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Signal Analysis and Visualization

Visualize, preprocess, and explore signals usingSignal Analyzerapp

TheSignal Analyzerapp is an interactive tool for visualizing, measuring, analyzing, and comparing signals in the time domain, in the frequency domain, and in the time-frequency domain. The app provides a way to work with many signals of varying durations at the same time and in the same view.

Start the app by choosing it from theAppstab on the MATLAB®toolstrip. You can also start the app by typingsignalAnalyzerat the MATLAB command prompt.


Signal Analyzer Visualize and compare multiple signals and spectra


strips Strip plot


App Workflow

Using Signal Analyzer App

Visualize, measure, analyze, and compare signals in the time, frequency, and time-frequency domains.

Spectral and Time-Frequency Analysis

Spectrum Computation in Signal Analyzer

To compute signal spectra,Signal Analyzerfinds a compromise between the best theoretical spectral resolution and the best resolution allowed by performance constraints.

Persistence Spectrum in Signal Analyzer

The persistence spectrum contains time-dependent probabilities of occurrence of signals at given frequency locations and power levels.

Spectrogram Computation in Signal Analyzer

To display the time-dependent spectrum of a nonstationary signal,Signal Analyzerdivides the signal into overlapping Kaiser-windowed segments and computes their short-time Fourier transforms.

Scalogram Computation in Signal Analyzer

scalogram is useful for identifying signals with low-frequency components and for analyzing signals whose frequency content changes rapidly with time.

Auxiliary Topics

Data Types Supported by Signal Analyzer

Signal Analyzeraccepts vectors and matrices with finite elements,timeseriesobjects, and MATLAB timetables.

Edit Sample Rate and Other Time Information

You can add and edit the time information in theSignal Analyzerapp for any signal that is not a MATLAB timetable or atimeseriesobject.

Signal Analyzer Tips and Limitations

Prepare data to circumvent current limitations ofSignal Analyzer.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Signal Analyzer

Use the keyboard to control theSignal Analyzer应用程序。

Customize Signal Analyzer

Specify line color and style, add or remove columns in the Signal table, and modifySignal Analyzerdisplays.

Featured Examples