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Find structural boundary conditions and boundary loads assigned to geometric region



sbca= findStructuralBC(structuralmodel.BoundaryConditions,RegionType,RegionID)returns the structural boundary conditions and boundary loads assigned to the region specified byRegionTypeandRegionID. The function returns structural boundary conditions assigned bystructuralBCand boundary loads assigned bystructuralBoundaryLoad.


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Find the structural boundary conditions for the faces of a 3-D geometry.

Create a structural model and include a block geometry.

structuralmodel = createpde('structural','static-solid');

Include the block geometry in the model and plot the geometry.

importGeometry(structuralmodel,“Block.stl”); pdegplot(structuralmodel,'FaceLabels','on','FaceAlpha',0.5)

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 3 objects of type quiver, patch, line.

Specify the surface traction on face 1 of the block.


Specify the pressure on face 3 of the block.


Apply free constraint on faces 5 and 6 of the block.


Check the boundary condition specification for faces 1 and 3.

sbca = findStructuralBC(structuralmodel.BoundaryConditions,...'Face',[1,3]); sbcaFace1 = sbca(1)
sbcaFace1 = StructuralBC with properties: RegionType: 'Face' RegionID: 1 Vectorized: 'off' Boundary Constraints and Enforced Displacements Displacement: [] XDisplacement: [] YDisplacement: [] ZDisplacement: [] Constraint: [] Radius: [] Reference: [] Label: [] Boundary Loads Force: [] SurfaceTraction: [3x1 double] Pressure: [] TranslationalStiffness: [] Label: []
sbcaFace3 = sbca(2)
sbcaFace3 = StructuralBC with properties: RegionType: 'Face' RegionID: 3 Vectorized: 'off' Boundary Constraints and Enforced Displacements Displacement: [] XDisplacement: [] YDisplacement: [] ZDisplacement: [] Constraint: [] Radius: [] Reference: [] Label: [] Boundary Loads Force: [] SurfaceTraction: [] Pressure: 300 TranslationalStiffness: [] Label: []

Check the boundary condition specification for faces 5 and 6.

sbca = findStructuralBC(structuralmodel.BoundaryConditions,...'Face'(5,6]); sbcaFace5 = sbca(1)
sbcaFace5 = StructuralBC with properties: RegionType: 'Face' RegionID: [5 6] Vectorized: 'off' Boundary Constraints and Enforced Displacements Displacement: [] XDisplacement: [] YDisplacement: [] ZDisplacement: [] Constraint: "free" Radius: [] Reference: [] Label: [] Boundary Loads Force: [] SurfaceTraction: [] Pressure: [] TranslationalStiffness: [] Label: []
sbcaFace6 = sbca(2)
sbcaFace6 = StructuralBC with properties: RegionType: 'Face' RegionID: [5 6] Vectorized: 'off' Boundary Constraints and Enforced Displacements Displacement: [] XDisplacement: [] YDisplacement: [] ZDisplacement: [] Constraint: "free" Radius: [] Reference: [] Label: [] Boundary Loads Force: [] SurfaceTraction: [] Pressure: [] TranslationalStiffness: [] Label: []

Input Arguments

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Structural boundary conditions of the model, specified as theBoundaryConditions财产的StructuralModelobject.

Geometric region type, specified as'Edge'for a 2-D model or'Face'for a 3-D model.


Data Types:char|string

Geometric region ID, specified as a vector of positive integers. Find the region IDs by usingpdegplot.


Data Types:double

Output Arguments

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Structural boundary conditions and boundary loads assignment, returned as aStructuralBCobject. For details, seeStructuralBC Properties.

Version History

Introduced in R2017b