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Audio System Toolbox

Design and test audio processing systems

Audio System Toolbox™ provides algorithms and tools for the design, simulation, and desktop prototyping of audio processing systems. It enables low-latency signal streaming from and to audio interfaces, interactive parameter tuning, and automatic generation of audio plugins for digital audio workstations.

Audio System Toolbox includes libraries of audio processing algorithms (such as filtering, equalization, dynamic range control, and reverberation), sources (such as audio oscillators and wavetable synthesizers), and measurements (such as A- and C-weighting). Interfaces to external MIDI controls and low-latency audio drivers such as ASIO™, ALSA, and CoreAudio enable you to validate multichannel audio designs in MATLAB®or Simulink®. You can generate VST plugins from MATLAB code. For simulation acceleration or desktop prototyping, the toolbox supports C/C++ code generation.

Algorithms are available as MATLAB functions, System objects, and Simulink blocks.


Learn the basics of Audio System Toolbox

Audio I/O and Waveform Generation

Record and play audio from devices, read and write audio files, generate waveforms

Audio Processing Algorithm Design

Audio processing tools, algorithm design and modularization, stream processing

Simulation, Tuning, and Visualization

Real-time prototyping and tuning, MIDI, scopes, audio test bench

Audio Plugin Creation and Hosting

Virtual Studio Technology (VST) generation, testing, validation, and hosting


Generate standalone audio applications for desktop computers and embedded targets