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Write RF network data to Touchstone®file



rfwrite(数据,freq,filename)creates a Touchstone data

file,filename.rfwritetouchstone files output 16 digits.


RF Toolbox™ does not support Touchstone 2.0 files.


rfwrite(netobj,filename)creates a Touchstone file from a network parameter object,netobj.


rfwrite(_____,Name,Value)creates a Touchstone file using the options specified in the name-value pair arguments for the file specified infilename. For example,rfwrite(S150,'passive150.s2p','FrequencyUnit','MHz')writes Touchstone filepassive150.s2pin MHz using the S-parameters stored in the variable,S150.


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Write a new Touchstone file from filedefault.s2pusing data and frequency values. The output is stored indefaultnew.s2p.

S50 =sparameters('default.s2p'); data = S50.Parameters; freq = S50.Frequencies; rfwrite(data, freq,'defaultnew.s2p')

Convert an existing Touchstone filepassive.s2pto S-parameters with a new resistance value.

S50 =sparameters('passive.s2p'); S100 = newref(S50,100);

Write a Touchstone filepassive100.s2pusing the new S-parameters.


Convert an existing Touchstone filepassive.s2pto S-parameters with a new resistance value.

S50 =sparameters('passive.s2p'); S150 = newref(S50,150);

Write a Touchstone filepassive150.s2pinMHzusing the new S-parameters.


Convert an existing Touchstone filepassive.s2pto Y-parameters.

Y50 = yparameters('passive.s2p');

Write a Touchstone filepassive.y2pinMHzusing the new Y-parameters.


Input Arguments

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Number of ports and frequencies, specified as anN-by-N-by-Kmatrix, to create Touchstone file.Nis the number of ports of data to be written.Kis the number of frequencies.

Data Types:double
Complex Number Support:Yes

Value of frequencies, specified as a numeric vector of lengthK, represents the value of frequencies in Hz.

Data Types:double

Name of a Touchstone file, specified as a character vector.


Data Types:char|string

Network parameter object, specified as a scalar, to create Touchstone file. Thenetobjcan be any one of the following types S-parameters, Y-parameters, Z-parameters, h-parameters, g-parameters, or ABCD-parameters.

Data Types:double
Complex Number Support:Yes

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments asName1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, whereNameis the argument name andValueis the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and encloseNamein quotes.


Scaling unit for frequency value, specified as a comma-separated pair consisting of'Frequency Unit'和任何一个值所示值的总结。


Data Types:double

Network parameter type, specified as a comma-separated pair consisting of'Parameter'和任何一个值所示值的总结。This pair determines the parameter type the data has to be converted into in the Touchstone file.


Data Types:double
Complex Number Support:Yes

File storage format, specified as a comma-separated pair consisting of'Format'和任何一个值所示值的总结。This pair determines the format to store the Touchstone file.

Example:'Format', 'MA'

Reference resistance, specified as a comma-separated pair consisting of'ReferenceResistance'and a positive scalar.


Data Types:double

Flag to suppress the warning message while overwriting an existing file, specified as a comma-separated pair consisting of'ForceOverwrite'and a logical value. Set'ForceOverwrite'to true, to overwrite thefilenamewithout a warning message.


Data Types:double

Version History

Introduced in R2014a