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Convert documents to string by joining words



newStr= joinWords(documents)converts atokenizedDocumentarray to a string array by joining the words in each document with a space.


newStr= joinWords(documents,delim)joins the words with delimiterdeliminstead of a space.


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Convert atokenizedDocumentarray to a string array by joining the words with a space.

documents = tokenizedDocument(["an example of a short sentence""a second short sentence"])
documents = 2x1 tokenizedDocument: 6 tokens: an example of a short sentence 4 tokens: a second short sentence
str = joinWords(documents)
str =2x1 string"an example of a short sentence" "a second short sentence"

Convert atokenizedDocumentarray to a string array by joining the words with an underscore.

str = joinWords(documents,"_")
str =2x1 string“an_example_of_a_short_sentence" "a_second_short_sentence"

Input Arguments

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Input documents, specified as atokenizedDocumentarray.

Delimiter to join words, specified as a string scalar, character vector, or scalar cell array containing a character vector.




Data Types:char|string|cell

Output Arguments

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Output text, returned as a string array, a character vector, or cell array of character vectors.strandnewStrhave the same data type.

Version History

Introduced in R2017b