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MATLAB Cosimulation

Cosimulate HDL code with MATLAB®


Cosimulation Wizard Generate a cosimulation block orSystem objectfrom existing HDL files


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nclaunch Start and configure计算机辅助设计enceXceliumsimulator for use withHDL Verifiersoftware
vsim Start and configureModelSimfor use withHDL Verifier
hdlsimmatlab Load instantiated HDL module for verification with计算机辅助设计enceXceliumandMATLAB
hdlsimmatlabsysobj Load instantiated HDL module for cosimulation with计算机辅助设计enceXceliumandMATLABSystem object
matlabcp AssociateMATLABcomponent function with instantiated HDL design
matlabtb ScheduleMATLABtest bench session for instantiated HDL module
nomatlabtb End activeMATLABtest bench andMATLABcomponent sessions
matlabtbeval CallMATLABfunction once and immediately on behalf of instantiated HDL module
vsimmatlab Load instantiated HDL module for verification withModelSimandMATLAB
vsimmatlabsysobj Load instantiated HDL module for cosimulation withModelSimandMATLABSystem object
hdldaemon ControlMATLABserver that supports interactions with HDL simulator
notifyMatlabServer Send HDL simulator event ID and process ID toMATLABserver
pingHdlSim Block cosimulation until HDL simulator is ready
waitForHdlClient Wait until specified event ID is obtained or time-out occurs
dec2mvl Convert decimal to binary character vector
mvl2dec Convert multivalued logic to decimal


hdlverifier.HDLCosimulation 创建一个System objectfor HDL cosimulation withMATLAB
hdlverifier.VivadoHDLCosimulation 创建一个System objectfor HDL cosimulation with theVivadosimulator andMATLAB


Startup and Connection

Cosimulation with System Object

Cosimulation with Function

Automatic Verification

All Cosimulation

  • HDL Cosimulation
    The HDL Verifier software consists of MATLAB functions, a MATLAB System object, and a library of Simulink blocks, all of which establish communication links between the HDL simulator and MATLAB or Simulink.
  • Prepare to Import HDL Code for Cosimulation
    Prepare for cosimulation and choose whether to cosimulate your HDL code as a function, System object, or block.
  • Supported Data Types
    If your HDL application needs to send HDL data to a MATLAB function, you may first need to convert the data to a type supported by MATLAB and the HDL Verifier software.
  • Race Conditions in HDL Simulators
    Describes ways to avoid race conditions in hardware cosimulations with MATLAB and Simulink software.
  • Use HDL Parameters in Cosimulation
    Use Verilog parameters or VHDL generics in cosimulation.