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Exponential Distribution



Statistics和Machine Learning Toolbox™提供了几种处理指数分布的方法。

  • 创建概率分布对象指数分布byF一世tt一世ng a probability distribution to sample data (菲迪斯特)or by specifying parameter values (制造者)。然后,使用对象函数评估分布,生成随机数等。

  • 通过使用分销钳工应用程序。您可以从应用程序导出对象并使用对象函数。

  • Use distribution-specific functions (eXpCDF,,,,exppdf,,,,eXp一世nv,,,,Exply,,,,expstat,,,,解释,,,,eXprnd)with specified distribution parameters. The distribution-specific functions can accept parameters of multiple exponential distributions.

  • Use generic distribution functions (CDF,,,,一世CDF,,,,PDF,,,,随机的)with a specified distribution name (“指数”)一个ndp一个rameters.


这eXponential distribution uses the following parameter.

范围 Description 金宝app
mu((μ Mean μ> 0

参数μ一世s also equal to the standard deviation of the exponential distribution.


A common alternative parameterization of the exponential distribution is to useλdeF一世ned一个s the mean number of events in an interval as opposed toμ,,,,which is the mean wait time for an event to occur.λ一个ndμ一个re reciprocals.


可能性功能一世s the probability density function (pdf) viewed as a function of the parameters. Themaximum likelihood estimates((MLEs) are the parameter estimates that maximize the likelihood function for fixed values ofX

最大似然估计器的μ对于指数分布是 X = 一世 = 1 n X 一世 n ,,,,where X 是样品的样本平均值X1,,,,X2,,,,…,Xn。样本平均值是参数的无偏估计器μ

要将指数分布拟合到数据并找到参数估计值,请使用解释,,,,菲迪斯特, 或者mle。与众不同解释一个ndmle,,,,which return parameter estimates,菲迪斯特返回拟合的概率分配对象指数分布。这object propertymu存储参数估计。

For an example, seeF一世tExponential Distribution to Data



y = F (( X | μ = 1 μ e - X μ

For an example, see计算指数分布PDF


这cumulative distribution function (cdf) of the exponential distribution is

p = F (( X | = 0 X 1 μ e - t μ d t = 1 - e - X μ


For an example, seeCompute Exponential Distribution cdf


这一世nverse cumulative distribution function (icdf) of the exponential distribution is

X = F - 1 (( p | μ = - μ ln (( 1 - p



危险函数(瞬时故障率)是PDF的比率和CDF的补体。如果F((t)一个ndF((t)一个re the pdf and cdf of a distribution (respectively), then the hazard rate is H (( t = F (( t 1 - F (( t 。Substituting the pdf and cdf of the exponential distribution forF((t)一个ndF((t)y一世elds a constantλ。这eXponential distribution is the only continuous distribution with a constant hazard function.λ是倒数μ并且可以解释为在任何给定间隔中发生事件发生的速率。因此,当您对生存时间建模时,物品生存的额外时间单位的可能性与项目的当前年龄无关。

For an example, see指数分布的寿命


F一世tExponential Distribution to Data

生成一个样本100of exponentially distributed random numbers with mean700

X = Exprnd(700,100,1);%生成样品

F一世t一个neXponential distribution to data using菲迪斯特

PD = Exponentialdistribution指数分布MU = 641.934 [532.598,788.966]

菲迪斯特返回指数分布object. The interval next to the parameter estimate is the 95% confidence interval for the distribution parameter.


[Muhat,Muci] = Expfit(x)% Distribution specific function
muhat = 641.9342
粘液=2×1532.5976 788.9660
[muhat2,muci2] = mle(x,'distribution',,,,“指数”% Generic distribution function
muhat2 = 641.9342
MUCI2 =2×1532.5976 788.9660


用参数计算指数分布的PDFMU = 2

x = 0:0.1:10;y = exppdf(x,2);


数字;情节(x,y)xlabel(“观察”)ylabel('Probability Density'


Compute Exponential Distribution cdf

用参数计算指数分布的CDFMU = 2

x = 0:0.1:10;y=eXpCDF((X,,,,2);

Plot the cdf.




计算指数分布的危害功能MU = 2在一个到五的值。

x = 1:5;lambda1 = exppdf(x,2)./(1-expcdf(x,2))
lambda1 =1×50.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000


Evaluate the hazard functions of the exponential distributions with means one through five atX=3

Mu = 1:5;lambda2 = exppdf(3,mu)./(1-expcdf(3,mu))
lambda2 =1×51。00000。5000 0.3333 0.2500 0.2000

这probability that an item with an exponentially distributed lifetime survive one more unit of time is independent of how long it has survived.

Compute the probability of an item surviving one more year at various ages when the mean survival time is10ye一个rs.

X2=5:5:25; x3 = x2 + 1; deltap = (expcdf(x3,10)-expcdf(x2,10))./(1-expcdf(x2,10))
deltap =1×50。0952 0.0952 0.0952 0.0952 0.0952

这probability of surviving one more year is the same regardless of how long an item has already survived.


  • Burr Type XII Distribution— The Burr distribution is a three-parameter continuous distribution. An exponential distribution compounded with a gamma distribution on the mean yields a Burr distribution.

  • Gamma Distribution- 伽马分布是具有参数的两参数连续分布一个(形状)和b(规模)。什么时候一个=1,伽马分布等于指数分布μ=b。总数是k指数分布的随机变量具有平均值μH一个s a gamma distribution with parameters一个=k一个ndμ=b

  • Geometric Distribution— The geometric distribution is a one-parameter discrete distribution that models the total number of failures before the first success in repeated Bernoulli trials. The geometric distribution is a discrete analog of the exponential distribution and is the only discrete distribution with a constant hazard function.

  • 广义的帕累托分布— The generalized Pareto distribution is a three-parameter continuous distribution that has parametersk(形状),σ(比例),以及θ(临界点)。当两个k=0一个ndθ=0,广义帕累托分布等于指数分布,平均分布μ=σ

  • 泊松分布- 泊松分布是一种单参数分布,可采用非负整数值。参数λ一世s both the mean and the variance of the distribution. The Poisson distribution models counts of the number of times a random event occurs in a given amount of time. In such a model, the amount of time between occurrences is modeled by the exponential distribution with mean 1 λ

  • 威布尔分布- 威布尔分布是具有参数的两参数连续分布一个((scale) andb(形状)。Weibull分布也用于建模寿命,但没有恒定的危险率。什么时候b=1,威布尔分布等于指数分布,平均分布μ=一个

    For an example, see比较指数和微电分配危害功能


[1] Crowder, Martin J., ed.Statistical Analysis of Reliability Data。Reprinted. London: Chapman & Hall, 1995.

[2] Kotz,Samuel和Saralees Nadarajah。极值分布:理论和应用。伦敦:新泽西州河边缘:帝国大学出版社;由世界科学分发,2000年。

[3] Meeker,William Q.和Luis A. Escobar。Statistical Methods for Reliability Data。Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics. Applied Probability and Statistics Section. New York: Wiley, 1998.

[4] Lawless,Jerald F.寿命数据的统计模型和方法。2nded。Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley-Interscience, 2003.


