I am having a little difficulty in understanding the implementation of kNN

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Rida Alfonso
Rida Alfonso on 8 Sep 2021
Commented: Image Analyst on 8 Sep 2021
% In the attached data file, I am predicting two classes (purchased or not purchased) using KNN based on two predictors that are Age and %Estimated Slary. I have three questions in the following code that are mentioned. Guidance will be appreciated
classification_model = fitcknn(data,'Purchased~Age+EstimatedSalary'); % Can we modify all the properties of knn such as number of neighbors, metric space and break ties in one oline of code
%% -------------- Test and Train sets ---------------------------
% In the following lines of codes I have divided the data, 80% for training and 20% for test.
cv = cvpartition(classification_model.NumObservations, 'HoldOut', 0.2);
% The model is trained on 80% of the data
cross_validated_model = crossval(classification_model,'cvpartition',cv); %
%% -------------- Making Predictions for Test sets ---------------
Predictions = predict(cross_validated_model.Trained{1}, data(test(cv),1:end-1 )); % I don't understand the logic here? Can someone kindly explain, especially the " data(test(cv),1:end-1 )".
%% -------------- 分析前dictions ---------------------
Results = confusionmat( cross_validated_model.Y(test(cv)) ,Predictions); % Is there another way to access the known predictions instead of the bold code in this line?

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