AWS EC2 link to MATLAB online

3 views (last 30 days)
Roaa Alnafea
Roaa Alnafea on 6 Feb 2022
Commented: Roaa Alnafea2022年3月29日
I am trying to run paralle computing on AWS EC2 using MATLAB online ,
I got an error on validating the cluster,
Is it possible to run AWS EC2 it in the MATLAB Online , and how I can do it?
1 Comment
Roaa Alnafea
Roaa Alnafea on 6 Feb 2022
this is the error that I got

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Answers (1)

Raymond Norris
Raymond Norris on 6 Feb 2022
If I have my codes correct, you're running MATLAB with a commerical license and MATLAB Parallel Server with an academic license. Contact Technical Support ( ) to help remedy this.
Roaa Alnafea
Roaa Alnafea 2022年3月29日
Yes I understand the problem, but I couldn’t solve it , Thank you for your efforts and I am waiting for the support to solve it .

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