
1 view (last 30 days)
junhui hua
junhui hua on 17 Apr 2022
Commented: junhui huaon 17 Apr 2022
When I use andhelp command in the command window, I cannot open the corresponding help file by clicking the corresponding link. But I can open the help file by using the F1 button. When I use the and doc command in the command window, I get the following error. Error using split. The first parameter must be text.

Accepted Answer

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 17 Apr 2022
Check if you've written or downloaded a split.m file that's taken precedence over the split function included in MATLAB.
which-all split
/MATLAB/toolbox/matlab/strfun/split.m split is a built-in method % Shadowed string method split is a Java method % Shadowed java.lang.String method /MATLAB/toolbox/matlab/bigdata/@tall/split.m % Shadowed tall method /MATLAB/toolbox/matlab/datatypes/calendarDuration/@calendarDuration/split.m % Shadowed calendarDuration method /MATLAB/examples/wavelet/data/@wtree/split.m % Shadowed wtree method /MATLAB/examples/wavelet/data/@edwttree/split.m % Shadowed edwttree method /MATLAB/examples/wavelet/data/@rwvtree/split.m % Shadowed rwvtree method /MATLAB/toolbox/wavelet/wavelet/@dtree/split.m % Shadowed dtree method /MATLAB/toolbox/wavelet/wavelet/@wdectree/split.m % Shadowed wdectree method /MATLAB/toolbox/wavelet/wavelet/@wptree/split.m % Shadowed wptree method
If so rename your split.m (and if you've downloaded a toolbox that depends on that split.m, update the functions that call it to call the renamed function or ask the author to update them.)
junhui hua
junhui hua on 17 Apr 2022
Thank you very much for your answer, after setting the include path to default, everything works fine. Thank you very much.This problem may be caused by a toolbox I downloaded.

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