Solving a third order ODE in MATLAB

91 views (last 30 days)
Sergio Manzetti
Sergio Manzetti on 9 Feb 2018
Edited: Sergio Manzettion 15 Feb 2018
Hi, MATLAB is quite about this command:
symsa h Y(x) g x B E T
D3Y = diff(Y, 3)
eqn = a.*D3Y -0.5*x^2*Y == (abs(Y))
D2Y = diff(Y, 2)
DY = diff(Y)
cond1 = Y(0) == 1;
cond2 = DY(0) == 0;
cond3 = D2Y (0) = = 0
Y(x) = dsolve(eqn, cond1, cond2, cond3)
Is there a limit here for solving it? Thanks

Accepted Answer

Karan Gill
Karan Gill on 12 Feb 2018
Do you not get this warning? If you got it, was the warning clear?
Warning: Unable tofind explicit solution.
> In dsolve (line 201)
Y(x) =
[ empty sym ]
Try solving numerically using ode45 or similar.
Karan Gill
Karan Gill on 13 Feb 2018
What do you mean by "other methods"?

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More Answers (3)

Sergio Manzetti
Sergio Manzetti on 14 Feb 2018
Wolfram alpha, it solves it without any problems.

Sergio Manzetti
Sergio Manzetti on 15 Feb 2018
Edited:Sergio Manzetti on 15 Feb 2018
I tried this on wolfram, which is the equivalent of this:
symsa h Y(x) g x B E T
D3Y = diff(Y, 3)
eqn = a.*D3Y -0.5*x^2*Y == Y
D2Y = diff(Y, 2)
DY = diff(Y)
cond1 = Y(0) == 1;
cond2 = DY(0) == 0;
cond3 = D2Y(0) == 1;
Y(x) = dsolve(eqn, cond1, cond2, cond3)
and I got a result,Z = 1/3*(exp(x) + 2*exp(-x/2)*cos((sqrt(3)*x)/2)) , however, the result is now non-visible because of std computation time exceeded.
Torsten on 15 Feb 2018
... and I'm surprised that the solution does not depend on "a".

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Sergio Manzetti
Sergio Manzetti on 15 Feb 2018
It doesn't matter, abs(Y) did not yield results with either methods, while the former, Y, yielded result only in wolfram.
Sergio Manzetti
Sergio Manzetti on 15 Feb 2018
Yes, I am aware of that.
Torsten, are there alternative ways to solve:
D3y - x^2y = ay, where a is some constant?

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