How to update a new created structure inside GUI

5 views (last 30 days)
Christopher Guzman
Christopher Guzman on 16 Oct 2019
Edited: Pranjal Kaura on 3 Sep 2021
I am making a GUI, and would like to create a new structure and be able to use it within the GUI script to add new fields after different events of different components of the GUI.
I have created the structure in the opening function as follows:
patient = struct();
After debugging, I realized the structure would be erased after the opening function. I try different forms of guidata() function to update it, but cannot seem to find an answer.

Answers (1)

Pranjal Kaura
Pranjal Kaura on 3 Sep 2021
Edited:Pranjal Kaura on 3 Sep 2021
You can use the properties functionality in App designer to be able to use variables within your GUI/App script. Declaring a variable 'patient' within the 'startUpFcn' callback, would only make it a local variable (to the 'startUpFcn' function) and thus it would not be visible/accessible to the rest of your code.
You need to set 'patient' as a private/public property of the App, to be able to access it withtin the App. You can learn more about sharing data withtin Apps using the documentation .
Hope this helps!

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