Import data tool speed

2 views (last 30 days)
Brad_EE on 11 Dec 2020
Commented: Yair Altman 2020年12月13日
Platform: W10-64bit, 4 core, 500GB SSD, 32GB Ram
文件导入说明:80MB,包含逗号界数字和短字符数组。总体格式27列x 400k线。
Clicking the import data tool icon prompts for a file name, shows a message "Opening a large text file ..." and then displays the file contents in a table format on the GUI after ~5 seconds. The table displayed matches the file contents.
Why does the initial opening large text file finish in 5 seconds but the import take 35 minutes? It seems for the opening large text file step to complete and display the data in the GUI table, it has essentially imported the data but 500X faster!

Accepted Answer

Yair Altman
Yair Altman 2020年12月13日
Yair Altman
Yair Altman 2020年12月13日
Yes, this is exactly what I meant

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