Error using append/add in DOM API Report Generator

3 views (last 30 days)
RB on 18 Mar 2021
Commented: Aditi Charora on 8 Jul 2021
I'm trying to use the DOM API to generate a report in Matlab 2019a. Unfortunetly, both 'add' and 'append' throw errors.
When I try to use 'add', I get the following error.
When I use 'append', I get the following error.
I'm trying to run the "Magic Squares" example mentioned in the documentation.
For Matlab version 2019a, 'add' is used.
Also, 'makeDOMCompilable' does not work in 2019a.
I also tried using version 2019b and got the same errors.
Has anyone had the same problem and solved it?
1 Comment
Aditi Charora
Aditi Charora on 8 Jul 2021
Hi RB,
I wasn't able to reproduce the problem you've mentioned.
I used the " Magic Squares 2019a " example mentioned in the documentation in Matlab version 2019a, and " Magic Squares 2019b " example in Matlab version 2019b and it works fine for me.
Can you provide some more information for me to investigate this issue further.

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