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version (3.15 MB) by Yasumitsu Ito
cmtdtoolcan reduce and automate manual operations required to perform model-based testing.



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Editor's Note:此文件被选为Matlab CentralPick of the Week

cmtdtoolis an assistant tool for model-based testing in MBD processes. Initially, this tool is developed for JMAAB-CMTD-WG (JMAAB: Japan MBD Automotive Advisory Board, CMTD-WG: Control Model Test Design Working Group). After several improvements upon feedback from the JMAAB-CMTD-WG members, it is published to MATLAB Central.
(1) Excel to SignalBuilder conversion
Import, add, and replace time-dependent signals selected region in a Excel sheet into SignalBuilder block.
Import multiple time-dependent signals into a Excel sheet to a SignalBuilder block at once.
(2) Excel to Truth Table block conversion
Import a truth table represented in an Excel sheet to a Truth Table block.
Import verification equations represented in a Excel sheet to a Truth Table block.
(2-3) User defined test
Generate a block which enables to check relations between inputs and expected outputs represented in an Excel sheet.

(3) Test Harness
(3-1) Generate test harness
Generate a test harness model which is composed by SignalBuilder + Data Conversions + Controller model from a controller model.
(3-2) Generate harness to compare with expected output
Generate a test harness model to compare outputs from a model with expected outputs for given test signals.

(4) Reporting

Cite As

Yasumitsu Ito(2020)。cmtdtool(//,matlab中央文件exchange。检索到.


I cannot use in 2006b version. why not?

zhihui diao

i find that logsout.unpack('all') cannot use in 2016a version,so it result with an error

zhihui diao

i find that logsout.unpack('all') cannot use in 2016a version,so it result with an error

Ganesh N

Recently i have downloaded this and trying to use with the R2012B. But i am facing issue while generating Test Harness. It shows an error "failed to make harness model".

Thank you for your sharing!

Kunihiro Sakai

Takaaki Matsui.

Takayuki KUBO



Upgraded to MATLAB Toolbox file format

Added two options (1) to set a link between tests and Excel region (2) to select a style of test harness: a) model block or b) copied subsystem.

Created with R2011a
Platform Compatibility
视窗 苹果系统 Linux

cmtdtool /

cmtdtool /doc_en/

cmtdtool /doc_en/d01_Excel2SignalBuilder/

cmtdtool /doc_en/d02_Excel2TruthTable/

cmtdtool /doc_en/d03_TestHarness/

cmtdtool / doc_en / d04_reportgeneration /

cmtdtool /doc_ja/

cmtdtool /doc_ja/d01_Excel2SignalBuilder/

cmtdtool / doc_ja / d02_excel2truthtable /

cmtdtool /doc_ja/d03_TestHarness/

cmtdtool / doc_ja / d04_reportgeneration /

cmtdtool /private/