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version (5.86 KB) by Alireza Fallahi
ThreeD_grasp closure


Updated29 Oct 2015

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plots the three dimentional of grasping.
usage: grasp(input1,input2, dist1, dist2) % indicates the plotting of
grasp based on four arguments.
arguments: (input)
input1 - unsigned integer number for linspacing through x_axis.
input2 - unsigned integer number for linspacing through y_axis.
dist1 - the first distance for mesh. The input must be an integer.
dist2 - the second distance for mesh. The input must be an integer.
DEFAULT: dist2=0;

Cite As

Alireza Fallahi (2022).threeD_grasp(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2015a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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