
Thecoriolisffunction returns the Coriolis frequency for any given latitude(s). The Coriolis frequency is sometimes called the Coriolis parameter or the Coriolis coefficient.

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f = coriolisf(lat) f = coriolisf(lat,rot)


f = coriolisf(lat)返回地球的科里奥利frequency for any locations(s) at latitude(s)lat. By default, the Coriolis frequency is given in units of rad/s.

f = coriolisf(lat,rot)specifies a rate of rotationrot. By default,rotis Earth's present-day rate of rotation 7.2921 x 10^-5 rad/s, but a different rate may be specified to model Earth at a different time, other celestial bodies, or the Coriolis parameter in a different unit of frequency.


Make a a 1°x1° grid, withcdtgrid, and get the Coriolis parameter for corresponding to each grid cell:

[Lat,Lon] = cdtgrid; f = coriolisf(Lat);
globepcolor(Lat,Lon,f)% coriolis f as pcolorglobeborders% national bordersglobegraticule('linestyle',':')% the grid linesview(20,5)% sets the globe viewing anglecaxis([-1 1]*0.146e-3)%设置颜色轴的限制cb = colorbar('location','southoutside'); xlabel(cb,'coriolis frequency rad s^{-1}') cmoceandiff% sets the colormapaxistight% minimizes empty space

Author Info

This function is part of theClimate Data Toolbox for Matlab. The function and supporting documentation were written by Chad A. Greene of the University of Texas at Austin.