How to Convert 3d matrix to row matrix???
a=rand(2,2,2) % a sample 3D matrix a b=a(:)' % is turned to the 1D row matrix b

2 years ago | 2

Plot the trapeoidal waveform using given equations
syms theta y=piecewise(... 0<=theta<2*pi/3,1,... 2*pi/3<=theta

2 years ago | 0

How to draw an ellipse
The code discussed at //

2 years ago | 0

Eigenvalues corresponds to eigenvectors
Absolutely standard: L(k,k) ~ V(:,k). You can check it with the code: for k=1:size(h,1) disp(strcat('k=',num2str(k),'; h*v-la...

2 years ago | 0


Subs Command for Multivariable Function
If e^ is the exponent and if you want to estimate the result numerically (from the question it is not quite clear what you want)...

2 years ago | 0

Partial least-squares regression evalutaion
The equation considered in PLS of Matlab is rather Y = X(:,:)*B(2:end,:) + repmat( B(1,:),n,1 ) + E, where: X is an n-by-...

2 years ago | 0


Normalization of complex eigenvector
你可能想要V(: 1) =(: 1) /规范(V (: 1));是sides, if your theta and phi are supposed to be real, the overall computatio...

2 years ago | 0


Eigenvector without calling eigenvalues
This is not an error but a warning that you do not use the eigenvalues, which influences nothing. If you want to avoid it, subst...

2 years ago | 0

Can I check if factored and expanded polynomial forms are equal?
simplify((w^2-k^2) - (w+k)*(w-k)) ans = 0 expand((w+k)*(w-k)) ans = w^2 - k^2 factor(w^2-k^2) ans = [ -1, k - w...

2 years ago | 0


How to call some object handle from opening function of figure?
u0=findobj('Tag','lst1','Style','listbox','Parent',gcf); % search for all the object properties you used to identify it set(u0,...

2 years ago | 0


Find orthogonal complement for given matrix
B=null(A'); The matrix transposing is important!

2 years ago | 1


How can I write a loop, which can make the parameter "V" change with a cyclic variable "i"?
Use Matlab functions "strcat" and "num2str" within a loop.

2 years ago | 0


How do I calculate acceleration with velocity and the code given?
% sample data t=0:0.1:10; % time x=3+2*t+t.^2; % coordinate [t,ind]=sort(t); % in a case time is not in an ascending order ...

2 years ago | 0

How to assign numbers to letters of the alphabet. Ex. A/a=1 B/b=2
The ASCII codes can be found with the function double double('A'); 65 If you want to get its ordinal number in the alphabet, ...

2 years ago | 1

How to sum columns of a matrix in MATLAB in specified number of columns?
B=squeeze( sum( reshape(A,size(A,1),10,[]) ,2) );

2 years ago | 0


Create a gaussian from x values
L=20; V = linspace(0,L,301); sigma = L/20; T0 = exp(-((V-mean(V))/sigma).^2/2); plot(V,T0);

2 years ago | 1


extract a double array to multiple arrays
b1=aa(1:4:end); b2=aa(2:4:end); b3=aa(3:4:end); b4=aa(4:4:end);

2 years ago | 1


Importing Latex Code into Matlab Scripts
In live script, go to \insert\Equation\Latex equation or just press Cntrl+Shift+L or type your Latex equation embraced by $ symb...

2 years ago | 0


Image Digitizer: Turn your scanned plots to the numeric form

2 years ago | 2 downloads |


How can I calculate the integral2 using sum of prod?
symprod does not support the element-wise multiplication, which is needed for integral2. You sholuld probably define your fun v...

2 years ago | 1


sorting 2 array based on elements of other array
[A,ind]=sort(A); B=B(ind);

2 years ago | 0


How to find the maximum distance between two curves?
(1) Specify, what do you mean by the distance between curves. If this is the distance between any points of them, a special (tho...

2 years ago | 2


New to Matlab- How to import a text file for analysis that contains numbers and characters?
If you need it only once (or few times), use the Import utility of Matlab (Home\Import Data - a green downward arrow); chose the...

2 years ago | 0

help speeding up an incrementing loop
At the first glance, you can replace numerator=0; for k = 1:n_trc numerator = nume...

2 years ago | 0

How to find the vertical height of an ellipse/y axis length of ellipse.
In fact, the height and the width of an ellipse can be easily and more accurately found analytically. Here is Matlab program rea...

2 years ago | 1


How to expand the Gaussian Kernel into series of eigenfunctions?
Fitst of all, you should specify --nothing can be done with an arbtrary function. Then, you can try to calculate the integrals a...

2 years ago | 1


Turn function to zero when it reach specific value.
x = linspace (0,180,1800); y = 1. * ((exp (-0.01 .* x)) .* (sin (x)-(x .* cos (x / 2)))); Pu = 30; y(find(y>=Pu,1):end)=0; ...

2 years ago | 0


How to show part of a nested structure as a vector?
sn='seine_1'; % sn=fieldnames(all_seines); % sn=sn{1}; nm=fieldnames(all_seines.(sn)); N=numel(nm); A=zeros(N,1); for k=...

2 years ago | 0

Values over 1000 use e
read matlab help on the "format" command. try "format longg".

2 years ago | 0

how to create Chi squared distribution using mean and variance?
see //

2 years ago | 0

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