MATLAB PollableDataQueue get last value
将价值调查怎么样?x0 = [rand(1), x0];

4 months ago | 0


What does it mean: fileStream::DetectCharset():frea ?
Can't answer this for you, but you might consider looking at DataQueues //

4 months ago | 0

cluster profile validation failed
Hi. Please contact MathWorks Technical Support. They will be able to troubeshoot this.

4 months ago | 0

scaling a parfor to a more than one node on a cluster
Ciao Patrizio, We've worked with Cineca directly in the past. To begin with, yes we need to resolve the MATLAB Parallel Server...

4 months ago | 1


scaling a parfor to a more than one node on a cluster
Parallel Computing Toolbo provides a "local" profile, for running multi-core jobs on the machine running the MATLAB client. If ...

4 months ago | 0

Parallel pool failed to start - Job test failed during validation MATLAB 2021b
This feels like an install issue. It's odd that Stage 2 would fail, but Stage 3 & 4 pass. And then especially have Stage 5 fai...

4 months ago | 0

How to know in advance if creating matrix will run out of memory?
Look at the memory command, but it's only for Windows operating system. The gpuDevice command will return AvailableMemory of a ...

4 months ago | 0


Repetitive value arising in for loop
Please edit your posting so that it displays your code in CODE mode. This is not a parfor issue, you'd get the same results wit...

4 months ago | 0


I'm guessing it's something to do with your environment. When I test with, it works fine. Is your code in a script ...

5 months ago | 0


Unable to submit task result (Matlab parallel server)
Hi Maria, A few questions first: Which platform is MATLAB Parallel Server running on, Linux or Windows? Which scheduler are y...

5 months ago | 0

parfor loop: random samples are dependent
See if these help // https://www....

5 months ago | 0

How to use parfor with a range from a very large object and cause memory problems
Have you considered assigning R in the parfor? parfor t = 1:T R = rand(T,S,P,M) ... end It's less intuitive for MAT...

5 months ago | 0

Troubles with counter variables and file writings in parallelized for loop
For Problem 1, use a parallel.pool.DataQueue // In...

5 months ago | 0

How can I get parallel computing toolbox?
Best to contact Technical Support ( They'll be able to explain your options.

5 months ago | 0


Can't find file on worker - Parallel Programming
You mean to say that folder is empty? At the top of the spmd, add this spmd getAttachedFilesFolder hydroNet.NetworkF...

6 months ago | 0

Error when executing MATLAB app methods via parfeval and BackgroundWorker pool.
Do you have the Parallel Computing Toolbox? If so, try using a process-based pool (i.e., 'local') instead of a backgroundPool. ...

6 months ago | 0

Cleaning parallel workers messages appears just immediately after running simulations when using parsim
I'm not a Simulink user, so bare with me in case I take you down the wrong path. I'm guessing you are setting the parsim RunInB...

6 months ago | 0

How to make a multiple for-loop run faster, the function of which is to find the steady state?
Yuu ought to be able to change the last several lines as such end temp(m,1) = rmsep; end rmse = temp; With that sai...

6 months ago | 1


How to make a multiple for-loop run faster, the function of which is to find the steady state?
Can you elaborate a bit on the following: how are you measuring the time (walltime, tic/toc, profiler) how long it took to run...

6 months ago | 1

Why is parallel poor button still gray and showing "No parallel poor" even already started?
It might be a bug that the icon isn't reflecting the state of the parallel pool properly. Nevertheless, I'm assuming you can ru...

6 months ago | 0


how to use fsolve in a parfor loop to reach a correct answer?
It shouldn't matter, but what is UseParallel option set to? You're using parfor and then is fsolve also using parfor (which res...

6 months ago | 0

How to use the parfor function inside a for loop?
There's a bit of missing code here and some of it doesn't make quite sense, so I might be off on my solution. And, I'm going to...

6 months ago | 0

"parfeval" and "backgroundPool" to create background progress bar
There are a couple of issues parfeval requires other input arguments and you need to pass in the function handle to DBWaitGUI2....

6 months ago | 0


Could not load Matlab parallel parpool.m in a C# wrapper
What is line #14 in driver_evaluate_callibration? And have you been able to successfully run this in MATLAB (not compiled)?

6 months ago | 0

How to run Simulink and Matlab script run sequentially.
How are you running the Simulink model, interactively or with the sim command? If you run the model with the sim command, that ...

6 months ago | 0

Is it possible to assign specific nodes in a batch job?
I'm gathering you're using the MATLAB job scheduler (MJS). If so, then no, MJS doesn't provide a way to specify which node(s) t...

6 months ago | 0


Parallel Computing Toolbox - Limit of number of workers - R2021a
Based on what your stating, I'm gather it's a single motherboard, with 32 sockets, each socket with 4 physical cores. Is that r...

6 months ago | 0

Using parfor eliminates use of multithreading
Check the cluster objects' NumThreads property. For instance local = parcluster('local'); local.NumThreads =

7 months ago | 2


Transparency violation error for cvx
It doesn't appear so. cvx_begin is calling assignin on line 41. This would be akin to calling local = parcluster('local'); p...

7 months ago | 0

Worker unable to find mex file
I'm assuming you are using parpool? How are you setting the worker's path on the Linux cluster to find the MEX-file? One optio...

7 months ago | 0


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