Quick Start Guide to Teaching with MATLAB

Six steps for bringing resources to your course to catalyze critical thinking and student engagement whether online or in the classroom


See how you can transform your course.

Preparing students for the workforce means enabling them to access course content that will improve their technical and problem-solving skills. See how MathWorks tools support your course development and delivery workflow.


Enhance your lectures.

As an educator, you often need to create engaging lectures that combine explanatory text, mathematical equations, code, and results. Live scripts enable you to do this and more. See how you can create live scripts with MATLAB code to build assignments that let students explore and learn on their own.


Help your students get started.

Help your students learn the essentials of MATLAB and build a foundation with free tutorials that provide reports on progress. Point to the full self-paced course or to a few modules that can be easily integrated into your course.


Share content with students.

Share folders in MATLAB Online and MATLAB Drive to collaborate using MathWorks Cloud. Create a view-only link to shared folders or invite specific people and specify whether they can edit the content.


Assess student work.

Assess students’ skills and mastery of learning objectives. MATLAB Grader lets you automatically grade coding assignments in any learning environment and scale assessments in large classes. MATLAB Grader can be used for both formative assessments with automated feedback and summative assessments, such as quizzes and exams.


Connect with the community.

Use the MATLAB Central global community to connect with other members. Find answers to technical questions, get code, and stay up to date on ways others around the world are using MATLAB and Simulink to do their work, including teaching.