Simulate channel models for wireless systems


By using channel models with your wireless system design in MATLAB®and Simulink®, you can optimize link performance, perform system architecture tradeoffs, and provide a realistic assessment of the overall system performance.

Channel models can be classified in four categories:

  1. 路径损失
  2. Purely stochastic
  3. 空间
  4. 雷追踪


路径损耗信道模型表示其遍历无线介质的发送信号的功率降低。它们不会对信号执行任何过滤。这些信道模型基于信号传播的介质,例如自由空间,雨,雾或气体。你可以使用FSPL.function in MATLAB to calculate the free space path loss for a communications link.

Purely Stochastic

纯粹的随机信道模型地址热噪声发电和多径衰落通道。它们不需要任何知识所建模链路的几何形状。一种添加性白色高斯噪声(AWGN)信道在接收器前端中的电子噪声模拟。这种噪声是光谱平坦的,并且其幅度遵循高斯PDF。您可以使用Communications Toolbox™AWGN.模拟将此噪声添加到信号的功能。

A multipath fading channel exhibits delay spread, in which multiple copies of the transmitted signal arrive at the receiver. These copies typically are attenuated and phase shifted relative to the original. This channel can be modeled with an impulse response. The figure below shows a MATLAB time domain plot of a representative impulse response.

MATLAB impulse response plot.

The delay spread of a channel is the time duration between the first and last multipath components with significant energy. If the reciprocal of the delay spread is much greater than the signal bandwidth, then the fading is called frequency flat. If that reciprocal is comparable to or less than the signal bandwidth, then the fading is called frequency selective. The MATLAB figure below shows the response of a frequency selective channel with the impulse response above.



Modern wireless systems typically use beamforming to direct energy toward desired receivers and away from interferers. Beamforming requires a transceiver to use antenna arrays, giving rise to multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. Spatial channel models were developed to better represent MIMO links, since previously developed channel models did not account for array geometries and array responses. As the name suggests, these channel models enable the prediction of the angles of departure (AoD) and arrival (AoA) of signals in a wireless system. These models typically define scatterers that reflect transmitted signals to a receiver. The diagram below depicts these scatterers, also known as clusters, with two circles.

Scatterers between a transmitter and receiver.



Where spatial channel models do not explicitly specify the locations of scatterers, ray tracing channel models do. They use precise building location information to generate outdoor channel models, and precise room information to generate indoor models. One output of a ray tracing analysis is an impulse response that can be used to filter an input signal.


Urban point-to-point analysis.


  • They are essential to predict link performance (e.g., BER) in a single-user scenario.
  • 它们对于预测多用户场景中的系统性能(例如,吞吐量,延迟)至关重要。
  • 他们减少了对昂贵的渠道测量项目的需求。

Communications Toolbox,5G Toolbox™,WLAN Toolbox™,LTE Toolbox™,和相控阵系统工具箱™在所有上述类别中提供众多通道模型,适用于基于通用和基于标准的应用程序。

Software Reference


Purely Stochastic



See also:无线通信,OFDM,巨大的mimo.,RF system,5G无线技术,5G Toolbox,LTE Toolbox,WLAN Toolbox,Communications Toolbox,相控阵系统工具箱

Simulate Spatial Channel Models and IoT Communication Protocols in MATLAB and Simulink