



这S-parameter matrix can be used to describe networks with an arbitrary number of ports. In the following description, for simplicity, we consider a network with two ports as in Figure 1. a(t) and b(t) represent incident and reflected waves, respectively, at port 1 (usually called输入端口) and port 2 (usually called输出端口). The incident and reflected waves are directly related to the voltages and currents at the port terminals, as indicated by the definitions below. The characteristic impedance Z0.(通常50Ω)表示用于测量的电路终端。


Figure 2. Amplitude characteristics in dB of two-port S-parameters describing a SAW filter as a function of frequency. In the passband between 2.38 GHz and 2.5 GHz, the attenuation is minimal, and S11/S22 are matched.

图3. SAW滤波器S21度的相位特性作为频率的函数。在2.38 GHz和2.5 GHz之间的通带中,该阶段是“几乎”的线性。该数据也可用于估计阶段和组延迟。

图4. SAW滤波器S参数的SMITH绘图可视化作为频率的函数。A marker positioned on S11 returns the equivalent input impedance and voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR).

Benefits of Using S-Parameters

S-parameters are suitable for describing high-frequency circuits and components characteristics for three reasons:

  • 比Y或Z矩阵更容易测量:其他等效矩阵描述,例如y或z,需要直接测量设备端口处的电流和电压,以及开放和短路终端。在RF和微波频率下,当它到达开放或短路终端时,这些终止条件会引起入射波的完全反射,这可能导致装置不稳定性。此外,很难在大频率范围内保证开放和短路条件。因为通过终止具有有限特性阻抗的设备端口来使用入射和反射波来测量S参数,所以它们不受任何这些问题的影响。
  • 易于转换为其他参数:由于S参数与Z参数(电压为输入/输出电流)直接相关,因此通过线性变换和其他线性矩阵(电流到输入/输出电压),以及通过线性变换的其他线性矩阵(T,ABCD,H),它们可以是易于转换,随后在这些其他格式中使用进行电路分析或模拟。
    rf toolbox™提供必要的功能,以便将n端口s参数轻松转换为等效表示。
  • Flexible for analysis and simulation:S参数通常以称为Thegstone的标准文件格式存储。大多数RF分析工具和模拟器都可以读取和写入TouchStone文件,从而使其成为交换测量和设计信息的便携式文件格式。


Example of analysis using S-parameters for the optimized design of a low-noise amplifier accounting for stability constraints.

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图5。例子of analysis using S-parameters for the optimized design of a low-noise amplifier accounting for stability constraints.

S-parameters can also be used for simulation of linear networks combined with digital signal processing algorithms to account for frequency-dependent effects, such as those in communication links.

Basic S-Parameter Concepts

As described above, the S-parameter matrix provides a relationship between the reflected wave and the transmitted wave with respect to the incident wave of the DUT at each port and for each operating frequency.


  • S11 =输入端口反射
  • S12 =反向增益
  • S21 =正向增益(线性增益/插入损耗)
  • S22 = output port reflection

图6. S参数矩阵的关系表达式。

根据定义,易于看出,例如,通过将事件波A1施加到端口1来测量S11,并测量相同端口处的反射波B1,而PORT2通过值与值相同的负载阻抗终止。网络的特征阻抗。S11定义为反射波与入射波的比率,并提供输入端口的匹配条件的直接测量(图7)。例如,当S11等于1时,这表示开路;当S11等于-1时,这表示短路;并且S11 = 0表示完美匹配的电路。

Figure 7. Representation of two-port S-parameter reflection and transmission.


rf工具箱andrf blockset™提供丰富的功能和对象,使您能够使用过滤器,传输线,放大器,混频器和其他RF组件设计,型号,分析和可视化网络。您可以轻松读写N-Port Touchstone文件 - S参数的标准格式。这使得易于分析RF测量数据并优化使用总数和分布式网络的匹配网络的设计。

例如,RF Toolbox提供了S参数和Z,Y,ABCD,H,G和T网络参数之间转换的典型功能。功能也可用于选择S参数端口和单端转换为共模和差分模式,这些模式通常用于背板的信号完整性分析。

RF Toolbox还提供S参数解除嵌入,级联和可视化的功能,以支持RF测试工程师在典型的任务中。金宝app通过将S参数数据分析任务与测量过程结合,可以自动化,轻松地缩放工作流以测试更广泛的操作场景。

使用RF Toolbox函数RationalFit.,您可以使用等效拉普拉斯传输功能的S参数和一般频域数据,然后可以用于电路分析和时域模拟。这是特别方便的提取RF组件的等效电路表示,信号完整性问题分析,以及匹配网络的设计backplane均衡器。

Data analysis and visualization of S-parameters can be easily automated and scaled up to extract statistical information on large amount of data (Figure 8).

Example of statistical analysis of the S-parameters of an RF filter.

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Figure 8.例子of statistical analysis of the S-parameters of an RF filter.

With theRF预算分析仪应用程序那you can analyze the RF budget of a transmitter or a receiver in terms of gain, power, noise figure, and third-order nonlinearity (Figure 9).

Example of budget analysis and visualization using RF Budget Analyzer app.

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Figure 9.例子of budget analysis and visualization using RF Budget Analyzer app.


RF Budget Analyzer应用程序使您可以直接导入双端口调制文件来描述线性RF组件。通过信号带宽进行预算分析,占输入和输出不匹配和热噪声。如果Touchstone文件包括测量的点噪声数据,则此数据将用于预算分析。或者,如果S参数数据是被动的,则与设备衰减相关联的热噪声将包括在分析中。

此外,RF预算分析仪应用还提供了自动生成Simulink的能力金宝app®model of the chain using the Circuit Envelope simulation technology of RF Blockset™ (Figure 10). The generated model and verification test benches can be used for the simulation and validation of the chain behavior using modulated waveforms, adding interfering signals, and modeling other imperfections that cannot be easily be analytically estimated.

Example of automatically generated test bench for the verification of RF system performance.

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Figure 10.例子自动生成的测试台,用于验证RF系统性能。

In MATLAB and Simulink, you can model entirewireless communicationssystems by connecting RF transmitters and receivers to baseband processing algorithms (Figure 11); for example, using standard-compliant modulated waveforms such as LTE or WiFi. You can estimate the system performance in terms of bit error rate (BER) or error vector magnitude (EVM). The S-parameter data is simulated in the time domain by the Circuit Envelope solver, using either the rational fitting or the convolution-based approach.

Example of a Simulink model including the AD9371 transmitter, a nonlinear RF power amplifier loaded on an S-parameters antenna, and closed-in feedback loop with a digital predistortion algorithm for improved linearity.

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Figure 11.例子在包括AD金宝app9371发射机的模拟模型中,在S参数天线上加载的非线性RF功率放大器,以及具有用于改进线性度的数字预失真算法的闭合反馈回路。

也可以看看:wireless communicationsRF系统5G波束成形rf工具箱RF Blockset