
Run Multiple Simulations

Provide collection of inputs to model and run multiple simulations with these inputs using theparsimfunction, thebatchsim函数,或多个Sim仿真面板ulink®

For workflows that involve multiple parallel simulations and logging of large data, you can use the command line API forparsim或者batchsimcommands, or run the simulations with theMultiple SimulationsSimulink编辑器中的金宝app面板。

使用并行计算工具箱™许可证,您可以使用parsimfunction to run the simulations in parallel. The function distributes multiple simulations to parallel workers to speed up overall simulation time. Using theparsimfunction with Parallel Computing Toolbox allows you to automate the creation of parallel pools, identifies file dependencies, and manages build artifacts for accelerator and rapid accelerator simulations. Theparsimcommand run multiple simulations in serial if Parallel Computing Toolbox license is not available.

此外,您可以使用batchsimfunction with Parallel Computing Toolbox andMATLAB®Parallel Server™许可证。当您使用batchsim功能,将模拟卸载到计算集群上。您可以打开单独的MATLAB会话以访问作业和结果。

To get started, seeRunning Multiple Simulations使用PARSIM运行房屋热模型的平行模拟.


batchsim Offload simulations to run on a compute cluster
parsim 并行或串行多次模拟动态系统
applyToModel Apply changes to the model specified through a仿真input目的,in
setBlockParameter Set block parameters to be used for a specific simulation through仿真input目的,in
setModelParameter Set model parameters to be used for a specific simulation through仿真input目的,in
setInitialState 配置Simulink.SimulationInputobject to set initial state for simulation
setExternalInput 设置外部输入以通过仿真input目的,in
setVariable 设置变量以通过仿真input目的,in
validate Validate the contents of the仿真input目的,in
setPreSimFcn Specify aMATLABfunction to run before start of each simulation through仿真input目的,in
setPostsimfcn Specify aMATLABfunction to run after each simulation is complete through仿真input目的,in
loadVariablesFromMATFile Load variables from MAT-file into aSimulink.SimulationInput目的,in
getSimulationJobs Get all金宝appsimulink.simulation.jobobjects from cluster
contents 查看内容Simulink.SimulationInputobject


Simulink.SimulationInput 创造s仿真input为了更改多个或单个模拟的模型的对象
Simulink.Simulation.Variable Variables inSimulink.SimulationInputobjects
Simulink.Simulation.BlockParameter Block parameters inSimulink.SimulationInputobjects
Simulink.Simulation.Future 创造未来模拟对象
金宝appsimulink.simulation.job 执行batchsimto create a金宝appsimulink.simulation.job目的,simJob


Multiple Simulations 运行多个模拟金宝appEditor
模拟管理器 Monitor multiple simulations and visualize the simulation data
