
Embraer Speeds Requirements Engineering and Prototyping of Legacy 500 Flight Control System


Accelerate development of the flight control system software for the Legacy 500 midsized business jet




  • Development time shortened by at least six months
  • 由于要求最小的要求,延迟
  • 重复用于实时测试的模型

“Modeling with Simulink is instrumental to our team’s ARP 4754 work, specifically validating system-level requirements, developing requirements-based tests, and defining low-level software requirements that our supplier uses to produce DO-178 Level A flight code using Simulink and Embedded Coder.”

Rodrigo Fontes Souto, Embraer


The Embraer Legacy 500 is the first midsized business jet with intelligent flight controls and full fly-by-wire technology. This technology, which replaces mechanical controls in the flight control system (FCS), enables more control surfaces to be actuated simultaneously, leading to smoother flights, reduced pilot workloads, and increased safety.

Embraer used MATLAB®and Simulink®to speed up the development and validation of well-defined low-level requirements for the Legacy 500 FCS, and to increase requirement quality.

“With Simulink we could prototype several solutions rapidly, test them all, and then pick the best one,” says Rodrigo Fontes Souto, product development engineer at Embraer. “As a result, the supplier who implemented the FCS reported significantly fewer issues. With fewer issues to resolve, we have more time to work on new features, and we can deliver a more mature product on time and at lower cost.”



The Legacy 450 and Legacy 500 are clean-sheet designs with extensive innovation in technology and aircraft features, including state-of-the-art fully digitally controlled systems never used before in the mid-light and midsize jet categories. The design goals and deadlines for entering a mature product into service on time meant that the design team had to create a very detailed product development plan and look for tools and partners that could both shorten the development cycle and mitigate development risks.

On early designs developed without the intensive use of modeling and simulation, it was difficult to ensure consistency in the specification of low-level requirements. As a result, requirements sometimes had to be rewritten after they were delivered to the supplier, wasting time and increasing costs.


巴西航空工业工程师使用Simulink使用建模和仿真来定义旧式500 FCS的低级要求。金宝app

Working in Simulink, the modeling group created a detailed model of the FCS, as well as models of the aircraft dynamics and pilot inputs. The complete model comprises more than a million blocks and dozens of components, many with more than 700 inputs and 500 outputs.

The modeling group created functional test cases to verify that the high-level requirements were being met and to validate the low-level requirements.

测试自动化是发展成功的另一个关键。该小组设置工作站以连续运行1500多个测试用例,并编写MATLAB脚本以在测试过程中自动化任务。使用Simu金宝applink Coverage™,工程师分析了模型覆盖范围并确定了模型的未经测试元素,完善并扩展了测试用例,直到获得100%的覆盖率为止。

模型重用节省了大量时间和提高质量。金宝appSimulink Coder™用于从其Simulink型号中生成代码,该组在其飞行模拟器中使用该代码和其Iron Bird in-the-lin-the-lin-in-the-lin-the-ly-the-ly-the-lim thopware。

验证低级需求之后实习生ally, Embraer delivered the written requirements to the supplier, who performed their own validation before using Simulink and Embedded Coder®根据DO-178级和其他航空标准实施系统。

The Legacy 500 received certification from the Federal Aviation Administration and the Brazilian Civil Aviation Agency on schedule, and the aircraft is currently in production.


  • 开发时间缩短了至少六个月。Souto说:“我们估计,使用Simulink进行建模和仿真使我们能够提前三个月向供应商提供需金宝app求。”“由于我们交付的要求成熟,因此供应商的问题和问题较少,将开发时间减少了三个月。”
  • 由于要求最小的要求,延迟.“Our group produced twice as many requirements, and had 50 times fewer issues per requirement, than was typical when we used a traditional methodology to develop and validate requirements,” says Julio Graves, product development engineer. “The longest requirements-related delay using a Model-Based Design was one day, whereas the shortest delay using a document basis was two weeks.”
  • 重复用于实时测试的模型.产品开发工程金宝app师Miguel Teruel指出:“使用Simulink编码器,我们从我们为需求验证开发的同一Simulink模型中生成了代码。”“我们计划再次重复使用模型,以通过嵌入式编码器为各种系统生成生产代码来加速开发。”