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Derive and Apply Inverse Kinematics to Two-Link Robot Arm

This example derives and applies inverse kinematics to a two-link robot arm by using MATLAB® and Symbolic Math Toolbox™.

The example defines the joint parameters and end-effector locations symbolically, calculates and visualizes the forward and inverse kinematics solutions, and finds the system Jacobian, which is useful for simulating the motion of the robot arm.

Step 1: Define Geometric Parameters

Define the link lengths, joint angles and end-effector locations of the robots as symbolic variables.


Specify values for the link lengths of the robot.

L1 = 1; L2 = 0.5;

Step 2: Define X and Y Coordinates of End Effector

Define the X and Y coordinates of the end-effector as a function of the joint angles ( θ 1 , θ 2 ) .

XE_RHS = L_1*cos(theta_1) + L_2*cos(theta_1+theta_2)
YE_RHS = L_1*sin(theta_1) + L_2*sin(theta_1+theta_2)

Convert the symbolic expressions into MATLAB functions.

XE_MLF = matlabFunction(XE_RHS,'Vars',[L_1 L_2 theta_1 theta_2]); YE_MLF = matlabFunction(YE_RHS,'Vars',[L_1 L_2 theta_1 theta_2]);

Step 3: Calculate and Visualize Forward Kinematics

Forward kinematics transforms the joint angles into end-effector locations: ( θ 1 , θ 2 ) f ( θ 1 , θ 2 ) ( X E , Y E ) . Given specific joint-angle values, use forward kinematics to calculate the end-effector locations.

Specify the input values of the joint angles as 0 < θ 1 < 90 and - 180 < θ 2 < 180 .

t1_degs_row = linspace(0,90,100); t2_degs_row = linspace(-180,180,100); [tt1_degs,tt2_degs] = meshgrid(t1_degs_row,t2_degs_row);

Convert the angle units from degrees to radians.

tt1_rads = deg2rad(tt1_degs); tt2_rads = deg2rad(tt2_degs);

Calculate the X and Y coordinates using the MATLAB functionsXE_MLFandYE_MLF, respectively.

X_mat = XE_MLF(L1,L2,tt1_rads,tt2_rads); Y_mat = YE_MLF(L1,L2,tt1_rads,tt2_rads);

Visualize the X and Y coordinates using the helper functionplot_XY_given_theta_2dof.


Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title X indexOf E baseline contains an object of type contour. Axes object 2 with title Y indexOf E baseline contains an object of type contour.

Step 4:Find Inverse Kinematics

Inverse kinematics transforms the end-effector locations into joint angles: ( X E , Y E ) g ( X E , Y E ) ( θ 1 , θ 2 ) . Find the inverse kinematics from the forward kinematics equations.

Define the forward kinematics equations.


Solve for θ 1 and θ 2 .

S = solve([XE_EQ YE_EQ], [theta_1 theta_2])
S =struct with fields:theta_1: [2x1 sym] theta_2: [2x1 sym]

The structureSrepresents the multiple solutions for θ 1 and θ 2 . Show the pair of solutions for θ 1 .

ans =

( 2 atan ( 2 L 1 YE + σ 1 L 1 2 + 2 L 1 XE - L 2 2 + XE 2 + YE 2 ) 2 atan ( 2 L 1 YE - σ 1 L 1 2 + 2 L 1 XE - L 2 2 + XE 2 + YE 2 ) ) where σ 1 = - L 1 4 + 2 L 1 2 L 2 2 + 2 L 1 2 XE 2 + 2 L 1 2 YE 2 - L 2 4 + 2 L 2 2 XE 2 + 2 L 2 2 YE 2 - XE 4 - 2 XE 2 YE 2 - YE 4

Show the pair of solutions for θ 2 .

ans =

( - σ 1 σ 1 ) where σ 1 = 2 atan ( - L 1 2 + 2 L 1 L 2 - L 2 2 + XE 2 + YE 2 L 1 2 + 2 L 1 L 2 + L 2 2 - XE 2 - YE 2 - L 1 2 + 2 L 1 L 2 - L 2 2 + XE 2 + YE 2 )

Convert the solutions into MATLAB functions that you can use later. The functionsTH1_MLFandTH2_MLFrepresent the inverse kinematics.

TH1_MLF{1} = matlabFunction(S.theta_1(1),'Vars',[L_1 L_2 XE YE]); TH1_MLF{2} = matlabFunction(S.theta_1(2),'Vars',[L_1 L_2 XE YE]); TH2_MLF{1} = matlabFunction(S.theta_2(1),'Vars',[L_1 L_2 XE YE]); TH2_MLF{2} = matlabFunction(S.theta_2(2),'Vars',[L_1 L_2 XE YE]);

Step 5: Calculate and Visualize Inverse Kinematics

Use the inverse kinematics to compute θ 1 and θ 2 from the X and Y coordinates.

Define the grid points of the X and Y coordinates.

[xmat,ymat] = meshgrid(0:0.01:1.5,0:0.01:1.5);

Calculate the angles θ 1 and θ 2 using the MATLAB functionsTH1_MLF{1}andTH2_MLF{1}, respectively.

tmp_th1_mat = TH1_MLF{1}(L1,L2,xmat,ymat); tmp_th2_mat = TH2_MLF{1}(L1,L2,xmat,ymat);

Convert the angle units from radians to degrees.

tmp_th1_mat = rad2deg(tmp_th1_mat); tmp_th2_mat = rad2deg(tmp_th2_mat);

Some of the input coordinates, such as (X,Y) = (1.5,1.5), are beyond the reachable workspace of the end effector. The inverse kinematics solutions can generate some imaginary theta values that require correction. Correct the imaginary theta values.

th1_mat = NaN(size(tmp_th1_mat)); th2_mat = NaN(size(tmp_th2_mat)); tf_mat = imag(tmp_th1_mat) == 0; th1_mat(tf_mat) = real(tmp_th1_mat(tf_mat)); tf_mat = imag(tmp_th2_mat) == 0; th2_mat(tf_mat) = real(tmp_th2_mat(tf_mat));

Visualize the angles θ 1 and θ 2 using the helper functionplot_theta_given_XY_2dof.


Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title theta indexOf 1 baseline contains an object of type contour. Axes object 2 with title theta indexOf 2 baseline contains an object of type contour.

Step 6: Compute System Jacobian

The definition of the system Jacobian is:

J = d ( X , Y ) d ( θ 1 , θ 2 ) = ( d X d θ 1 d X d θ 2 d Y d θ 1 d Y d θ 2 )

the_J = jacobian([XE_RHS YE_RHS],[theta_1 theta_2])
the_J =

( - L 2 sin ( θ 1 + θ 2 ) - L 1 sin ( θ 1 ) - L 2 sin ( θ 1 + θ 2 ) L 2 cos ( θ 1 + θ 2 ) + L 1 cos ( θ 1 ) L 2 cos ( θ 1 + θ 2 ) )

You can relate the joint velocity to the end-effector velocity, and the other way around, by using the system Jacobian:

( d X d t d Y d t ) = ( d X d θ 1 d X d θ 2 d Y d θ 1 d Y d θ 2 ) . ( d θ 1 d t d θ 2 d t )

( d X d t d Y d t ) = J . ( d θ 1 d t d θ 2 d t )

( d θ 1 d t d θ 2 d t ) = J + . ( d X d t d Y d t ) w h e r e J + is the Moore - Penrose pseudoinverse of J

You can also convert the symbolic expression of the Jacobian to a MATLAB function block. Simulate the end-effector locations of the robot on a trajectory by defining the multiple waypoints as inputs to a Simulink model. The Simulink model can calculate a motion-profile based on the joint angle values to reach each waypoint in the trajectory. For more details, seeInverse Kinematics of a 2-link Robot ArmandTeaching Rigid Body Dynamics.

Helper Functions

functionplot_theta_given_XY_2dof(X_mat,Y_mat,theta_1_mat_degs,...theta_2_mat_degs) xlab_str ='X (m)'; ylab_str ='Y (m)'; figure; hax(1) = subplot(1,2,1); contourf(X_mat, Y_mat, theta_1_mat_degs); caxis(hax(1), [-180 180]); colormap(gca,'jet'); colorbar xlabel(xlab_str,'Interpreter','tex'); ylabel(ylab_str,'Interpreter','tex'); title(hax(1),'\theta_1','Interpreter','tex') axis('equal') hax(2) = subplot(1,2,2); contourf(X_mat, Y_mat, theta_2_mat_degs); caxis(hax(2), [-180 180]); colormap(gca,'jet'); colorbar xlabel(xlab_str,'Interpreter','tex'); ylabel(ylab_str,'Interpreter','tex'); title(hax(2),'\theta_2','Interpreter','tex') axis('equal')endfunctionplot_XY_given_theta_2dof(theta_1_mat_degs,theta_2_mat_degs,...X_mat,Y_mat,a_cmax) xlab_str ='\theta_1 (degs)'; ylab_str ='\theta_2 (degs)'; figure; hax(1) = subplot(1,2,1); contourf(theta_1_mat_degs, theta_2_mat_degs, X_mat); caxis(hax(1), [0 a_cmax]); colormap(gca,'jet'); colorbar xlabel(xlab_str,'Interpreter','tex'); ylabel(ylab_str,'Interpreter','tex'); title(hax(1),'X_E','Interpreter','tex') hax(2) = subplot(1,2,2); contourf(theta_1_mat_degs, theta_2_mat_degs, Y_mat); caxis(hax(1), [0 a_cmax]); colormap(gca,'jet'); colorbar xlabel(xlab_str,'Interpreter','tex'); ylabel(ylab_str,'Interpreter','tex'); title(hax(2),'Y_E','Interpreter','tex')end