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Create or modify app project file interactively using the Package App dialog box



matlab.apputil.createopens the Package App dialog box that steps you through the process of creating an.mlappinstallfile.


matlab.apputil.create(prjfile)loads the specified.prjfile and populates the Package App dialog box with the information from the specified project file. Use this option if you need to update an existing app.


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Minimally, add a main file, specify an app name, and indicate the required products. MATLAB®不断创建和保存.prjfile, regardless of whether you clickPackage. However, MATLAB does not create a.mlappinstallfile if you do not clickPackage.

Assume you have an existing project file,myapp.prj. You want to add a file and update the description.

Open the Package App dialog box, specifying the previously created.prjfile:


The dialog box opens populated with the data you previously specified formyapp. Adjust the information in the dialog box, as needed.

Input Arguments

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Full or partial path to the.prjfile you created previously with the Package App dialog box, specified as a character vector or string scalar.



Version History

Introduced in R2012b