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Unregister event handler associated with COM object event at run time



unregisterevent(c,eventhandler)removes the association of a specific event handler routine from its corresponding event. Once you unregister an event, the object no longer responds to the event. You can unregister events at any time after creating a control.


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Unregister theEvtDeactivateHndlrevent handler from aMicrosoft®Excel®workbooksDeactivateevent.

To run this example, create a workbook and register events.

myApp = actxserver('Excel.Application'); wbs = myApp.Workbooks; wb = Add(wbs); registerevent(wb,{'Activate'“EvtActivateHndlr”;'Deactivate''EvtDeactivateHndlr'}) eventlisteners(wb)
ans = 2×2 cell array 'Activate' 'EvtActivateHndlr' 'Deactivate' 'EvtDeactivateHndlr'

Unregister theDeactivateevent handler. MATLAB®shows the remaining registered event (Activate) with its corresponding event handler.

unregisterevent(wb,{'Deactivate''EvtDeactivateHndlr'}) eventlisteners(wb)
ans = 1×2 cell array 'Activate' 'EvtActivateHndlr'

Input Arguments

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COM object, specified as a function handle.

Function to call when event occurs, specified as a cell array, specifies both events and event handlers.

Specify events in theeventhandlerargument using the names of the events. Strings or character vectors used in theeventhandlerargument are not case-sensitive.unregistereventdoes not accept numeric event identifiers.


  • COM functions are available on Microsoft Windows®systems only.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a