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Model-Based Design in the MATLAB Desktop


The following is a survey of the various tools that come with MATLAB (available to everybody, depending on release), and how they can be used in a Simulink-based workflow. I’ve broken up the tools into two categories: those used for model setup, and those used for data analysis.

Tools for setting up/running your model include the MATLAB Editor, the EML Editor, Path Tool, and the File and Directory Comparisons.

The MATLAB Editor




The EML editor (opened when by double-clicking an EML block) is built on top of the regular MATLAB editor, providing all the nice M-file features, plus information related to the execution and building of a Simulink model. In particular it has toolbars for configuring the data ports and building the model.


The Path Tool

Thepathtool(File -> Set Path…) is a GUI for managing your MATLAB path. My Simulink projects tend to have a more complicated directory structure than my MATLAB projects. This is usually due to managing several libraries in addition to my model, its callbacks, and all my test and model advisor files. I find this GUI helpful for moving directories up and down the path, as well as making sure I have everything I need.



MATLAB shortcuts on the main toolbar are useful to do each of the followingaddpath相关任务:设置库,将公共参数值加载到工作区,移动生成的代码或启动外部实用程序systemcommand. We’ve even provided you with the Simulink icon to mark such shortcuts.


Those were some of the tools available for creating models – the following three items are tools for analyzing the results of running a model or the results of generating code from实时研讨会.

File and Directory Comparisons


您还可以使用该工具比较生成的代码文件。是否想快速查看如果您调整子系统选项或数据类型,生成的代码如何更改?生成代码,更改并重新生成新位置(请确保仅生成而不是生成和构建 - 您仍然获得代码,但需要更长的时间)。实际上,该工具的R2008A版本可让您通过比较目录然后钻入单个文件开始。

A comparison ofsf_engine.cafter changing the Engine subsystem of the sf_car demo to a reusable function.

Time Series Tool

The Time Series Tool (tstool)可用于绘制和操纵时间序列数据,例如信号记录生成的时间序列数据。该GUI提供了快速绘制和过滤统计信息的动作。在下面的屏幕截图中,我记录了x1x2signals of theVDPdemo model and loaded them into the timeseries tool after running the model with the command:tstool(logsout).

Time Series Tool

Variable Editor

The variable editor is useful for editing complicated arrays of data, such as filter coefficients, look-up table data, or index selectors.

Variable Editor

Making full use of Simulink requires generating MATLAB code and data, which you can interact with using your favorite Desktop tools. Let us know what else you think is handy for model-based design in MATLAB



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