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Making A Badge for the File Exchange

Only last month I was talking aboutBadges on the File Exchange。今天我要告诉你另一种象征:GitHub徽章。

For what years now,Since 2014,),GitHub和文件交换名字的基础上。也就是说,你可以把你的MATLAB代码到一个GitHub上回购,然后将它连接到文件交换,以便它可以找到和下载这两个地方。您看!现在你有两全其美。你拥有所有的优点在GitHub上开发代码,而且市场范围和深度的专业知识只能在文件交换。MATLAB的中央就是你会遇到的人最有可能帮助你和你的人最有可能受益于你的帮助。两种接触是有益的!

These days, when you play on the lot, you really need and badges. They 'r e, informs to convey all kinds of information: affiliation, build status, code coverage, license type, and so on. So today we' r e rolling out a lot badge for the File Exchange. It looks nice, It 's inexpensive (free, in fact!), and it gives you a standard way to point back to code 's entry on the File Exchange. Until now, it wasn' t always obvious that a given File on making also had an entry on the File Exchange.



Let me show you how the process works. Suppose you have an entry on the File Exchange calledPrivate Cody LeaderboardThe luck he have it, I happen to have just to the an item myself. Now visit the detail page of your submission on the File Exchange. For me, that meansGoing here:

At the top of the page (assuming your file is on making) you 'l l see a note that says "Send more users to file Exchange submission by adding this badge to making the README, md." Click the "Copy Markdown" button in the author tools banner At the top. The badge Markdown code will be copied to the clipboard. Then you just need to paste the copied Markdown code into yourMaking the README. MdAnd you should be able to see the badge.

This is what it looks like the when you 'r e done.

That 's it!You 'r e done. Easy peasy.

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