
ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

Add ThingSpeak Data Widgets to iOS Using Scriptable

Starting with iOS 14, Apple introduced widgets for the iPhone and iPad. Widgets elevate information to the top of your device and offer information at a glance. They help you customize your device in new ways. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have aThingSpeakiPhone上的小部件?多亏了一个名为的新应用Scriptableyou can put ThingSpeak data widgets on your iOS devices.

Scriptable允许您使用JavaScript编写自己的小部件,并在iOS设备上运行脚本。Anil Patroshared a starter template to create aThings pak agraph使用JavaScript在GitHub上使用窗口小部件。您可以使用Anil的代码并为ThingsPeak频道和样式进行修改。

Here are some steps to help you put a ThingSpeak widget on your iOS device:

  1. 安装Scriptable
  2. Get the starter code on your device using iCloud sharing and edit on your desktop
  3. Add a new widget to your Home Screen
    1. 在主屏幕上,触摸并握住小部件或空区域,直到应用程序摇摆为止。
    2. Tap the Add buttonGray add buttonin the upper-left corner.
    3. Select a widget, choose from three widget sizes, then tap Add Widget.
    4. 选择脚本化应用程序
  4. 自定义小部件:
    1. 按住小部件,然后选择“编辑小部件”。
    2. 输入您的频道的新参数:channel_id |field_id |结果= x


Enjoy making custom widgets for iPhone and iPad thanks to Scriptable and Anil’s work. Anil also posted some widget code for欢呼声.



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