

Sllinearizer: Batch Linearization of Simulink Models

本周,我很高兴欢迎来宾博客Charu Fadnavis和Erman Korkut介绍新的Sllinearizerinterface from金宝appSimulink控制设计

Charu Fadnavis and Erman Korkut - The original linearizers


If you have used Simulink Control Design in the past, the first thing you might wonder is:Why a new interface to linearize Simulink models?

如果您比较linearize功能Sllinearizerinterface, you will realize that many linear analysis tasks can be accomplished by both. The main advantage of theSllinearizer接口是,它使得在不重新编译模型的情况下更容易获得多个传输功能,也称为Batch Linearization。To get more details on the differences between those two approaches, we recommend going through the documentation page选择批处理线性化工具

The slLinearizer Interface

Let's go through a simple example illustrating the basic of theSllinearizerInterface. For that, we will use a very simple model:

simple example model to be linearized






We can now use any of the four得到*methods to obtain transfer functions for the different points and loop openings:getIOTransfer,getLoopTransfer,getSensitivity,getCompSensitivity

For example, if I want to get the transfer function between the referencerand the outputy:


I usegetIOTransfer:

Result of getIOTransfer

If I want the sensitivity at the control signalu:


I usegetSensitivity


The important thing to note, is that the model will be compiledonly the first time one of the得到*method is called

Batch linearization

除了对多个分析点和循环打开的线性化之外,不重新编译模型,Sllinearizerinterface makes it easy to obtain multiple linearizations for a set of operating points or parameter values.

For the example above, let's say we want to obtain a series of transfer functions for different values of controller gaink, all you have to do is:

Batch Linearization for a vector of parameters

and you obtain an array of transfer functions:


如果您需要学习的是在多个操作点上线性化,也可以使用Sllinearizerinterface. For a detailed example of this workflow, seeVary Operating Points and Obtain Multiple Transfer Functions Using slLinearizer


Check out the documentation for slLinearizer and try linearizing your model with it. We'd love tohear your thoughts!



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