Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Array of Buses and S-Function Builder support

本星期, Navid Rahbariasr. proposed to publish a blog post about support for 公共汽车阵列 被添加到 S-Function Builder 在matlab r2021b中。
这让我意识到我从未在Simulink中覆盖了一系列公共汽车的基础。金宝app因此,本周我们将通过描述如何在MATLAB R2021B中的S函数Builder块中使用的方式来使用创建公共汽车阵列的基础知识。




如果你熟悉 信号线风格 在Si金宝appmulink中,您可能已经得出结论,即在这里有一些不起作用的东西。出来的两个信号出来的总线创建者1和总线创建者2是公共汽车,但是矢量连接的输出是4个元素的向量,而不是一系列总线。
要使总线信号非virtual,可以使用 金宝appsimulink.bus.createobject. or the Bus Editor 创建一个 bus object
and now the signal lines styles are as expected, we are producing an Array of two buses.
Note: If you would like to avoid Simulink treating bus signal as vector and instead prefer getting a warning or an error, look at the diagnostic 公共汽车信号被视为矢量

Nested Array of Buses

Let's extend our example by including the array of buses previously created into a larger bus:


当向公共汽车或一系列公共汽车喂食时 马铃薯草Function block or a stateflow图表 ,可以像MATLAB中的结构数组一样访问单个元素:
顺便说一下,如果您尚未注意到,在Matlab R2021B中,MATLAB功能块的代码现在将打开在Simulink画布中而不是MATLAB编辑器。金宝app

访问S-Function Builder中的公共汽车阵列

As mentioned at the beginning of this post, in MATLAB R2021b support for nested arrays of buses has been added to the S-Function Builder block.
Let's replace the MATLAB Function block by the S-Function Builder in the previous model:
For the block to accept the bus signal, we first need to specify the corresponding bus object in the Ports and Parameters panel. Then you can type the C code equivalent to the MATLAB code above in the Outputs section of the S-function Builder app. Note that U0. 是一个指针类型,所以我们需要将其取消引用“ -> “要找到元素。 Also C-Language uses zero based indexing, so the first element of z would be z [0]:
After building the S-Function, you should notice a header file with the bus definitions in the current directory:

Now it's your turn

Are you using arrays of buses? Will you take advantage of this new support in S-function builder to pass arrays of buses to custom C code? Let us know in the comments below.


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