


今天,我想结束我Feret直径的长时间的讨论。(以前的帖子:29 - 9 - 2017,10月24日—- 2017,2月20 - - 2018,16 - 3月- 2018)。




bw = imread (“shape.png”);imshow (bw)
visualizeFeretProperties (bw)




下面是我写了一个函数,将Feret直径属性添加到返回的表 regionprops(使用 “表”选项)。它使用的算法函数,你可以找到我之前的帖子。

T = regionprops (“表”bw,“PixelList”)
T =1×1表PixelList _________________(163875×2双)
T = feretProperties (T)
T =表1×12PixelList MaxFeretDiameter MaxFeretDiameterEndpoints MaxFeretDiameterOrientation MinFeretDiameter MinFeretDiameterTrianglePoints MinFeretDiameterOrientation OrthogonalDiameter OrthogonalDiameterLowerPoints OrthogonalDiameterUpperPoints MinAreaBoundingBox MinAreaBoundingBoxArea _________________ ___________ _________________________ ___________________________ ___________ ______________________________ ___________________________ _____________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________ ______________________(163875×2双)781.13(2×2双)-41.835 - 317.08(3×2双)-143.8 - 331.18(1×2双)[1×2双][5×2双]2.4321 e + 05



函数T = feretProperties (T)% 2017 - 2018版权MathWorks公司。maxfd = 0(高度(T) 1);maxfd_endpoints =细胞(高度(T) 1);maxfd_orientation = 0(高度(T) 1);minfd = 0(高度(T) 1);minfd_triangle_points =细胞(高度(T) 1);minfd_orientation = 0(高度(T) 1);minod = 0(高度(T) 1);minod_lower_points =细胞(高度(T) 1);minod_upper_points =细胞(高度(T) 1);minbb =细胞(高度(T) 1); minbb_a = zeros(height(T),1);k = 1:高度(T)像素= T.PixelList {k};V = pixelHull(像素,“钻石”);对= antipodalPairs (V);[maxfd (k), maxfd_endpoints {k}] = maxFeretDiameter (V,双);点= maxfd_endpoints {k};e =点(2:)——点(1:);maxfd_orientation (k) = atan2d (e (2), e (1));[minfd (k), minfd_triangle_points {k}] = minFeretDiameter (V,双);点= minfd_triangle_points {k};e =点(2:)——点(1:);thetad = atan2d (e (2), e (1)); minfd_orientation(k) = mod(thetad + 180 + 90,360) - 180; [minod(k),minod_lower_points{k},minod_upper_points{k}] =feretDiameter (V, maxfd_orientation (k) + 90);[minbb {k}, minbb_a (k)] = minAreaBoundingBox (V,双);结束T。MaxFeretDiameter = maxfd;T。MaxFeretDiameterEndpoints = maxfd_endpoints;T。MaxFeretDiameterOrientation = maxfd_orientation;T。MinFeretDiameter = minfd;T。MinFeretDiameterTrianglePoints = minfd_triangle_points; T.MinFeretDiameterOrientation = minfd_orientation; T.OrthogonalDiameter = minod; T.OrthogonalDiameterLowerPoints = minod_lower_points; T.OrthogonalDiameterUpperPoints = minod_upper_points; T.MinAreaBoundingBox = minbb; T.MinAreaBoundingBoxArea = minbb_a;结束函数(bb) = minAreaBoundingBox (V, antipodal_pairs)% 2017 - 2018版权MathWorks公司。如果输入参数个数< 2 antipodal_pairs = antipodalPairs (V);结束n =大小(antipodal_pairs, 1);p = antipodal_pairs (: 1);q = antipodal_pairs (:, 2);一个=正;thetad = [];k = 1: n如果k = = n k1 = 1;其他的k1 = k + 1;结束pt1 = [];pt2 = [];pt3 = [];如果(p (k) ~ = p (k1)) & & (q (k) = = q (k1)) pt1 = V (p (k):);pt2 = V (p (k1):);pt3 = V (q (k):);elseif(p (k) = = p (k1)) & & (q (k) ~ = q (k1)) pt1 = V (q (k):);pt2 = V (q (k1):);pt3 = V (p (k):);结束如果~ isempty (pt1)%点pt1 pt2, pt3可能最小区域%边界框,点pt1和pt2形成一条边重合%的边界框。叫三角形的高度与基础% pt1-pt2边界框的高度,h。h = triangleHeight (pt1 pt2 pt3);pt1pt2_direction = atan2d (pt2 (2) pt1 (2), pt2 (1) pt1 (1));w = feretDiameter (V, pt1pt2_direction);A_k = h * w;如果(A_k <) = A_k;thetad = pt1pt2_direction;结束结束结束%旋转所有的点,这样pt1-pt2最小边界框的点%直。r = 90 - thetad;cr = cosd (r);sr =信德(r);R = [cr老;sr cr);Vr = V * R ';xr = Vr (: 1);年= Vr (:, 2);xmin = min (xr);xmax = max (xr); ymin = min(yr); ymax = max(yr); bb = [xminyminxmaxyminxmaxymaxxminymaxxminymin];%旋转限位框点回来。bb = bb * R;结束函数h = triangleHeight (P1, P2, P3)% 2017 - 2018版权MathWorks公司。h = 2 * abs (signedTriangleArea (P1, P2, P3)) /规范(P1, P2);结束函数面积= signedTriangleArea (A, B, C)% 2017 - 2018版权MathWorks公司。面积= ((B (1) - (1)) * (C (2) - (2))(B (2) - (2)) * (C (1)——(1))) / 2;结束函数[d, V1、V2] = feretDiameter (V,θ)% 2017 - 2018版权MathWorks, Inc . %旋转点,这样感兴趣的方向是垂直的。α= 90 -θ;ca = cosd(α);sa =信德(α);R = [ca sa);sa ca);% Vr = (R * V ') ';Vr = V * R ';y = Vr (:, 2);ymin = min (y, [], 1); ymax = max(y,[],1); d = ymax - ymin; if nargout > 1 V1 = V(y == ymin,:); V2 = V(y == ymax,:);结束函数[d, end_points] = maxFeretDiameter (P, antipodal_pairs)% 2017 - 2018版权MathWorks公司。如果输入参数个数< 2 antipodal_pairs = antipodalPairs (P);结束v = P (antipodal_pairs (: 1):) - P (antipodal_pairs (:, 2):);D =函数(v (: 1), (2):,);[d, idx] = max (d, [], 1);P1 = P (antipodal_pairs (idx 1):);P2 = P (antipodal_pairs (idx 2):);end_points = [P1;P2);结束函数[d, triangle_points] = minFeretDiameter (V, antipodal_pairs)% 2017 - 2018版权MathWorks公司。如果输入参数个数< 2 antipodal_pairs = antipodalPairs (V);结束n =大小(antipodal_pairs, 1);p = antipodal_pairs (: 1);q = antipodal_pairs (:, 2);d =正;triangle_points = [];k = 1: n如果k = = n k1 = 1;其他k1 = k + 1;结束pt1 = [];pt2 = []; pt3 = []; if (p(k) ~= p(k1)) && (q(k) == q(k1)) pt1 = V(p(k),:); pt2 = V(p(k1),:); pt3 = V(q(k),:); elseif (p(k) == p(k1)) && (q(k) ~= q(k1)) pt1 = V(q(k),:); pt2 = V(q(k1),:); pt3 = V(p(k),:); end if ~isempty(pt1) % Points pt1, pt2, and pt3 form a possible minimum Feret diameter. % Points pt1 and pt2 form an edge parallel to caliper direction. % The Feret diameter orthogonal to the pt1-pt2 edge is the height % of the triangle with base pt1-pt2. d_k = triangleHeight(pt1,pt2,pt3); if d_k < d d = d_k; triangle_points = [pt1; pt2; pt3]; end end end end
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