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Calculates equivalent cone height, broad radius, and narrow radius for cone



conedimensions = coneangle2size(slantheight,halfconeangle,Name,Value)calculates the equivalent cone height,broad radius, and narrow radius for a cone from its half cone angle,slant length, and either feedwidth or narrow radius


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Calculate the cone height, the broad radius, and the narrow radius of the cone in a bicone antenna using a half cone angle of 30 degrees, slant length of 0.0400 m, feed width of 0.001 m.

ant = bicone('FeedHeight',0.3e-3,'FeedWidth',0.5e-3); show(ant)

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title bicone antenna element contains 3 objects of type patch, surface. These objects represent PEC, feed.

m = coneangle2size(30,40e-3,'FeedWidth',1e-3)
m =struct with fields:NarrowRadius: 0.0013 BroadRadius: 0.0213 ConeHeight: 0.0346
ant.ConeHeight = m.ConeHeight; ant.BroadRadius = m.BroadRadius; ant.NarrowRadius = m.NarrowRadius; show(ant)

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title bicone antenna element contains 3 objects of type patch, surface. These objects represent PEC, feed.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Length from the base of the cone to point on the circle with the narrow radius, specified as a positive scalar in meters.

Data Types:double

Half of the cone angle, specified as a positive scalar in degrees. This value must be between 5 and 85 degrees.

Data Types:double

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments asName1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, whereNameis the argument name andValueis the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and encloseNamein quotes.

Example:'FeedWidth' = 0.02

Width of the feed, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'FeedWidth'and a positive scalar in meters.

Data Types:double

Radius at the apex of the cone, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'NarrowRadius'and a positive scalar in meters.

Data Types:double


Introduced in R2020a