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Measure scene illuminant using test chart



illuminant= measureIlluminant(chart)measures the scene illuminant using the gray regions of interest (ROIs) of an Imatest®eSFR chart[1]or a Calibrite ColorChecker®Classic chart[2].


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This example shows how to measure the illuminant of an eSFR chart using the gray patch ROIs. The example then white balances the image of the eSFR chart.

Read an image of an eSFR chart into the workspace.

I = imread('eSFRTestImage.jpg');

Create anesfrChartobject. Display the chart, highlighting the 20 gray patches.

chart = esfrChart(I); displayChart(chart,'displayEdgeROIs',false,...'displayColorROIs',false,'displayRegistrationPoints',false)

Figure eSFR test chart contains an axes object. The axes object contains 21 objects of type image, text.

Estimate the illuminant using the gray patch ROIs. The illuminant has a stronger blue component than the red and green. This result is consistent with the image of the test chart, which has a blue tint.

illum = measureIlluminant(chart)
illum =1×3110.9147 116.0008 123.2339

White balance the chart image and display the result. The white balanced image has less of a blue tint, especially in the middle gray patches and over the background of the image.

J = chromadapt(I,illum); imshow(J) title('White Balanced Test Chart Image')

Figure eSFR test chart contains an axes object. The axes object with title White Balanced Test Chart Image contains an object of type image.

You can use the estimated illuminant to white balance other images acquired under similar lighting conditions.

Input Arguments

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Test chart, specified as anesfrChartobject or acolorCheckerobject.

Output Arguments

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Scene illuminant, returned as a 3-element row vector.

Data Types:double


  • To white-balance an image, use thechromadaptfunction.

  • It is recommended to measure the scene illuminant using linear image data. If you need to linearize your image data, then you can use thergb2linfunction.


[2]Calibrite. "ColorChecker Classic".

Version History

Introduced in R2017b