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ConvertTimeResultarray to table



rt = table(results)creates a tablertfrom theresultsarray. Use this method to accesstablefunctionality, such as sorting rows, displaying a summary, and writing the table to a file.

Input Arguments

expand all

Results of running a test suite, specified as amatlab.unittest.TestResultarray.


expand all

Create a table from a set of test results, and use the table to sort the results and export them to a CSV file.


classdefExampleTest < matlab.unittest.TestCasemethods(Test)functiontestOne(testCase) testCase.verifySize([1 2 3; 4 5 6],[2 3]);endfunctiontestTwo(testCase) testCase.verifyClass(@sin,?function_handle);endfunctiontestThree(testCase) testCase.assertEqual(7*2,14)endendend

At the command prompt, create a test suite from theExampleTestclass and run the tests.

results = run(testsuite('ExampleTest'));
Running ExampleTest ... Done ExampleTest __________

Create a table from theresultsarray.

rt = table(results)
rt = 3×6 table Name Passed Failed Incomplete Duration Details _________________________ ______ ______ __________ _________ ____________ {'ExampleTest/testOne' } true false false 0.0063632 {1×1 struct} {'ExampleTest/testTwo' } true false false 0.0073147 {1×1 struct} {'ExampleTest/testThree'} true false false 0.0027218 {1×1 struct}

Use the table to display a summary of the test results.

Variables: Name: 3×1 cell array of character vectors Passed: 3×1 logical Values: True 3 False 0 Failed: 3×1 logical Values: True 0 False 3 Incomplete: 3×1 logical Values: True 0 False 3 Duration: 3×1 double Values: Min 0.0027218 Median 0.0063632 Max 0.0073147 Details: 3×1 cell

Find the longest test duration by sorting the table rows in descending order.

sorted = sortrows(rt,'Duration','descend')
sorted = 3×6 table Name Passed Failed Incomplete Duration Details _________________________ ______ ______ __________ _________ ____________ {'ExampleTest/testTwo' } true false false 0.0073147 {1×1 struct} {'ExampleTest/testOne' } true false false 0.0063632 {1×1 struct} {'ExampleTest/testThree'} true false false 0.0027218 {1×1 struct}

Export the sorted results to a CSV file and view the file contents.

writetable(sorted,'myTestResults.csv') type'myTestResults.csv'
Name,Passed,Failed,Incomplete,Duration,Details ExampleTest/testTwo,1,0,0,0.0073147, ExampleTest/testOne,1,0,0,0.0063632, ExampleTest/testThree,1,0,0,0.0027218,

Version History

Introduced in R2014b