
Graphics Object Programming

Comparing, testing for validity, preallocating, and object arrays


gobjects Initialize array for graphics objects
isgraphics True for valid graphics object handles
isempty 阻止mine whether array is empty
isequal 阻止mine array equality
isa 阻止mine if input is object of specified class
clf Clear current figure window
cla Clear axes
close Remove specified figure


Graphics Object Handles

Use the object handle to set and query the values of the object properties.

Handles in Logical Expressions

Handle objects do not evaluate to logicaltrueorfalse. You must use the function that tests for the state of interest and returns a logical value.

Graphics Arrays

Graphics arrays can contain the handles of any graphics objects.

Test for Valid Handle

Useisgraphicsto determine if a variable is a valid graphics object handle.

Preallocate Arrays of Graphics Objects

Use thegobjectsfunction to preallocate arrays for graphics objects.

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