
Specify Generic Cost Function

While traditional implicit MPC controllers optimize control actions to minimize a quadratic cost function, economic MPC controllers support generic cost functions. For example, you can specify your cost function as a combination of linear or nonlinear functions of the system states and inputs.

Using such a custom cost function can impose additional nonlinear constraints on your system. If this is the case for your application, specify these constraints in a separate custom function. For more information, seeSpecify Nonlinear Constraints.

To use a custom generic cost function:

  1. Copy the custom cost function template file to your working folder or anywhere on the MATLAB®path, and rename itmpcCustomCostFcn.m.

    src = which('mpcCustomCostFcn.txt'); dest = fullfile(pwd,'mpcCustomCostFcn.m'); copyfile(src,dest,'f');

    As an example, the template file implements a standard quadratic cost function.

  2. Specify your generic cost function by modifying the template file.

  3. Configure the controllerMPCobjto use the custom cost function.

    MPCobj.Optimizer.CustomCostFcn = true;

Custom Cost Function

所示the template filempcCustomCostFcn.txt, your custom cost function must have the following signature:

function[f,dfdy,dfdu,dfddu,dfdslack] =...mpcCustomCostFcn(y,yref,u,uref,du,v,slack,varargin)

The input arguments for this function are shown in the following table, where:

  • kis the current control interval.

  • pis the prediction horizon.

  • nyis the number of output variables.

  • nmvis the number of manipulated variables.

  • nmdis the number of measured disturbances.

The MPC controller generates these inputs and passes them to the custom function at each control interval.

Input Argument Description Specified As

Predicted plant outputs, defined over the prediction horizon fromk+1 tok+p

p——- - - - - -nyarray

Previewed output references, defined over the prediction horizon fromk+1 tok+p

p——- - - - - -nyarray

Optimal manipulated variable control sequences, defined over the prediction horizon fromktok+p-1

p——- - - - - -nmvarray

Previewed manipulated variable targets, defined over the prediction horizon fromktok+p-1

While the software does not currently support manipulated variable previewing, this interface is general.

p——- - - - - -nmvarray

Manipulated variable rates of change, defined over the prediction horizon fromktok+p-1

p——- - - - - -nmvarray

Previewed measured disturbances, defined over the prediction horizon fromktok+p

(p+1)-by-nmdarray ([]if there are no measured disturbances)
slack Global slack variable used by all soft constraints scalar
varargin Additional input arguments (for future use). []

输出参数for this function are shown in the following table.

Output Argument Description Returned As
f Generic cost function value scalar
dfdy Gradients offwith respect to the plant outputs p——- - - - - -nyarray ([]if unknown)
dfdu Gradients offwith respect to the manipulated variables p——- - - - - -nmvarray ([]if unknown)
dfddu Gradients offwith respect to the manipulated variable rates of change p——- - - - - -nmvarray ([]if unknown)
dfdslack Gradients offwith respect to the global slack variable scalar ([]if unknown)

Typically, you optimize the controller to minimize the cost function across the prediction horizon. Since the cost function value must be a scalar, you compute the cost function at each prediction horizon step and add the results together. For example, suppose that the stage cost function is:

f = ( y 1 y r e f 1 ) 2 + ( u 1 y 2 ) 2

That is, you want to minimize the difference between the first output and its reference value, and the product of the first manipulated variable and the second output. To compute the total cost function across the prediction horizon, use:

f = sum(sum((y(:,1)-yref(:,1)).^2 + (u(:,1).*y(:,2)).^2));

While computing and returning gradients is optional, doing so improves the computational efficiency of the controller optimization. To find the gradients, compute the partial derivatives of the cost function at each step of the prediction horizon. For example, for the preceding cost function, the gradients are:

dfdy = zeros(p,ny); dfdy(:,1) = 2*(y(:,1)-yref(:,1)); dfdy(:,2) = 2*y(:,2).*u(:,1).^2; dfdu = zeros(p,nmv); dfdu(:,1) = 2*u(:,1).*y(:,2).^2; dfddu = zeros(p,nmv); dfdslack = 0;

Within your custom function, to obtain the:

  • Prediction horizon,p使用:

    p =大小(y, 1);
  • Number of outputs,ny使用:

    ny = size(y,2);
  • Number of manipulated variables,nmv使用:

    nmv = size(u,2);
  • Number of measured disturbances,nmd使用:

    nmd = size(v,2);
  • Previous manipulated variable values; that is,u(k-1)使用:

    u_prev = u(1,:) - du(1,:);

See Also

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