
Model Predictive Control Toolbox Functions

Alphabetical List By Category

Plant Specification

setmpcsignals Set signal types in MPC plant model
getname Retrieve I/O signal names in MPC prediction model
setname Set I/O signal names in MPC prediction model

MPC Design

Controller Creation

mpc Create MPC controller
mpcprops Provide help on MPC controller properties
gpc2mpc Generate MPC controller using generalized predictive controller (GPC) settings


get MPC property values
getname Retrieve I/O signal names in MPC prediction model
set Set or modify MPC object properties
setname Set I/O signal names in MPC prediction model
getconstraint Set custom constraints on linear combinations of plant inputs and outputs
setconstraint Set custom constraints on linear combinations of plant inputs and outputs
setterminal Terminal weights and constraints
getEstimator Obtain Kalman gains and model for estimator design
setEstimator Modify a model predictive controller’s state estimator
getindist Retrieve unmeasured input disturbance model
getoutdist Retrieve unmeasured output disturbance model
setindist Modify unmeasured input disturbance model
setoutdist Modify unmeasured output disturbance model


review Examine MPC controller for design errors and stability problems at run time
compare Compare two MPC objects
cloffset 从输出对于计算MPC闭环直流增益bances to measured outputs assuming constraints are inactive at steady state
sensitivity Compute effect of controller tuning weights on performance
size Size and order of MPC Controller
trim Compute steady-state value of MPC controller state for given inputs and outputs
d2d Change MPC controller sample
ss Convert unconstrained MPC controller to state-space linear system
tf Convert unconstrained MPC controller to linear transfer function
zpk Convert unconstrained MPC controller to zero/pole/gain form


mpcmove Optimal control action
mpcmoveopt Options set for mpcmove and mpcmoveAdaptive
mpcstate Define MPC controller state
sim Simulate closed-loop/open-loop response to arbitrary reference and disturbance signals for implicit or explicit MPC
mpcsimopt MPC simulation options
plot Plot responses generated by MPC simulations

Adaptive MPC Design

mpcmoveAdaptive Compute optimal control with prediction model updating
mpcmoveopt Options set for mpcmove and mpcmoveAdaptive
mpcstate Define MPC controller state

Explicit MPC Design

generateExplicitMPC Convert implicit MPC controller to explicit MPC controller
generateExplicitRange Bounds on explicit MPC control law parameters
generateExplicitOptions Optimization options for explicit MPC generation
simplify Reduce explicit MPC controller complexity and memory requirements
plotSection Visualize explicit MPC control law as 2-D sectional plot
generatePlotParameters Parameters for plotSection
mpcmoveExplicit Compute optimal control using explicit MPC
mpcmoveopt Options set for mpcmove and mpcmoveAdaptive
mpcstate Define MPC controller state
sim Simulate closed-loop/open-loop response to arbitrary reference and disturbance signals for implicit or explicit MPC
mpcsimopt MPC simulation options

Gain-Scheduled MPC Design

mpcmoveMultiple 如果计算增益调度MPC控制动作ngle time instant
mpcmoveopt Options set for mpcmove and mpcmoveAdaptive
mpcstate Define MPC controller state

Economic MPC Design

mpc Create MPC controller
mpcmove Optimal control action
mpcmoveAdaptive Compute optimal control with prediction model updating
mpcmoveMultiple 如果计算增益调度MPC控制动作ngle time instant
mpcmoveopt Options set for mpcmove and mpcmoveAdaptive
sim Simulate closed-loop/open-loop response to arbitrary reference and disturbance signals for implicit or explicit MPC
mpcsimopt MPC simulation options

Code Generation

review Examine MPC controller for design errors and stability problems at run time
mpcmoveCodeGeneration Compute optimal control moves with code generation support
getCodeGenerationData Create data structures for mpcmoveCodeGeneration
mpcqpsolver Solve a quadratic programming problem using the KWIK algorithm
mpcqpsolverOptions Create default option set for mpcqpsolver
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