
Spreadsheet Link Functions - By Category

Alphabetical List By Category

Startup and Shutdown

matlabinit Initialize Spreadsheet Link and start MATLAB
MLAutoStart Automatically start MATLAB


MLAutoStart Automatically start MATLAB
MLProgramId Specify MATLAB version
MLStartDir 指定MATLAB startu后当前的工作目录p
MLUseFullDesktop Specify whether to use full MATLAB desktop or Command Window
MLMissingDataAsNaN Set empty cells to NaN or 0
MLUseCellArray Toggle MLPutMatrix to use MATLAB cell arrays
MLShowMatlabErrors Return standard Spreadsheet Link errors or full MATLAB errors

Data Export to MATLAB

MLAppendMatrix Create or append MATLAB matrix with data from Microsoft Excel worksheet
MLDeleteMatrix Delete MATLAB matrix
MLPutMatrix Create or overwrite MATLAB matrix with data from Microsoft Excel worksheet
MLPutRanges Send data in Microsoft Excel named ranges to MATLAB
MLPutVar Create or overwrite MATLAB matrix with data from Microsoft Excel VBA variable

Data Import from MATLAB

MLGetFigure Import current MATLAB figure into Microsoft Excel worksheet
MLGetMatrix Write contents of MATLAB matrix to Microsoft Excel worksheet
MLGetVar Write contents of MATLAB matrix in Microsoft Excel VBA variable

MATLAB Functions in Microsoft Excel

matlabfcn Evaluate MATLAB command given Microsoft Excel data
matlabsub Evaluate MATLAB command given Microsoft Excel data and designate output location
MLEvalString Evaluate MATLAB command in MATLAB
MLShowMatlabErrors Return standard Spreadsheet Link errors or full MATLAB errors
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