

Plot response of phase noise filter block



plotPhaseNoiseFilter(blockname)plots the response of the phase noise filter associated with thePhase Noiseblock specified by the variableblockname.


collapse all

This example shows how to use theplotPhaseNoiseFilterfunction to view the filter response of a Phase Noise block in a Simulink model.

Load a Simulink model that contains aPhase Noiseblock. Theload_systemcommand loads a model into memory without making its model window visible. The function will also work with models whose window is visible. The example,slex_phasenoise, contains aPhase Noiseblock.


Run theplotPhaseNoiseFilterfunction to view the filter response of the block Phase Noise.

plotPhaseNoiseFilter('slex_phasenoise/Phase Noise')

Input Arguments

collapse all

The name of aPhase Noiseblock in a Simulink model

Example:plotPhaseNoiseFilter('Model Name/Phase Noise')

Data Types:char

See Also

Introduced in R2014b