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Evaluate miss rate metric for object detection



logAverageMissRate= evaluateDetectionMissRate(detectionResults,groundTruthData)returns the log-average miss rate of thedetectionResultscompared togroundTruthData, which is used to measure the performance of the object detector. For a multiclass detector, the log-average miss rate is a vector of scores for each object class in the order specified bygroundTruthData.


[logAverageMissRate,fppi,missRate] = evaluateDetectionMissRate(___)返回数据点plotting the log miss rate–false positives per image (FPPI) curve, using input arguments from the previous syntax.

[___] = evaluateDetectionMissRate(___,threshold)specifies the overlap threshold for assigning a detection to a ground truth box.


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This example shows how to evaluate miss rate of a pretrained YOLO v2 object detector.

Load the Vehicle Ground Truth Data

Load a table containing the vehicle training data. The first column contains the training images, the remaining columns contain the labeled bounding boxes.

data = load('vehicleTrainingData.mat'); trainingData = data.vehicleTrainingData(1:100,:);

Add fullpath to the local vehicle data folder.

dataDir = fullfile(toolboxdir('vision'),'visiondata'); trainingData.imageFilename = fullfile(dataDir, trainingData.imageFilename);

Create an imageDatastore using the files from the table.

imds = imageDatastore(trainingData.imageFilename);

Create a boxLabelDatastore using the label columns from the table.

blds = boxLabelDatastore(trainingData(:,2:end));

Load YOLOv2 Detector for Detection

Load the detector containing the layerGraph for trainining.

已经hicleDetector = load('yolov2VehicleDetector.mat'); detector = vehicleDetector.detector;

Evaluate and Plot the Miss Rate Results

Run the detector with imageDatastore.

results = detect(detector, imds);

Evaluate the results against the ground truth data.

[am, fppi, missRate] = evaluateDetectionMissRate(results, blds);

Plot the log-miss-rate/FPPI curve.

figure; loglog(fppi, missRate); gridontitle(sprintf('Log Average Miss Rate = %.1f', am))

Load a ground truth table.

load('stopSignsAndCars.mat') stopSigns = stopSignsAndCars(:, 1:2); stopSigns.imageFilename = fullfile(toolboxdir('vision'),'visiondata',...stopSigns.imageFilename);

Train an ACF based detector.

detector = trainACFObjectDetector(stopSigns,'NegativeSamplesFactor',2);
ACF Object Detector Training The training will take 4 stages. The model size is 34x31. Sample positive examples(~100% Completed) Compute approximation coefficients...Completed. Compute aggregated channel features...Completed. -------------------------------------------- Stage 1: Sample negative examples(~100% Completed) Compute aggregated channel features...Completed. Train classifier with 42 positive examples and 84 negative examples...Completed. The trained classifier has 19 weak learners. -------------------------------------------- Stage 2: Sample negative examples(~100% Completed) Found 84 new negative examples for training. Compute aggregated channel features...Completed. Train classifier with 42 positive examples and 84 negative examples...Completed. The trained classifier has 20 weak learners. -------------------------------------------- Stage 3: Sample negative examples(~100% Completed) Found 84 new negative examples for training. Compute aggregated channel features...Completed. Train classifier with 42 positive examples and 84 negative examples...Completed. The trained classifier has 54 weak learners. -------------------------------------------- Stage 4: Sample negative examples(~100% Completed) Found 84 new negative examples for training. Compute aggregated channel features...Completed. Train classifier with 42 positive examples and 84 negative examples...Completed. The trained classifier has 61 weak learners. -------------------------------------------- ACF object detector training is completed. Elapsed time is 27.2595 seconds.

Create a struct array to store the results.

numImages = height(stopSigns); results(numImages) = struct('Boxes', [],'Scores', []);

Run the detector on the training images.

fori = 1 : numImages I = imread(stopSigns.imageFilename{i}); [bboxes, scores] = detect(detector, I); results(i).Boxes = bboxes; results(i).Scores = scores;end结果= struct2table(结果);

Evaluate the results against the ground truth data.

[am, fppi, missRate] = evaluateDetectionMissRate(results, stopSigns(:, 2));

Plot log-miss-rate/FPPI curve.

figure loglog(fppi, missRate); gridontitle(sprintf('log Average Miss Rate = %.1f', am))

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title log Average Miss Rate = 0.3 contains an object of type line.

Input Arguments

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Object locations and scores, specified as a two-column table containing the bounding boxes and scores for each detected object. For multiclass detection, a third column contains the predicted label for each detection. The bounding boxes must be stored in anM-by-4 cell array. The scores must be stored in anM-by-1 cell array, and the labels must be stored as a categorical vector.

When detecting objects, you can create the detection results table by usingimageDatastore.

ds = imageDatastore(stopSigns.imageFilename); detectionResults = detect(detector,ds);

Data Types:table

Labeled ground truth, specified as a datastore or a table.

Each bounding box must be in the format [xywidthheight].

  • Datastore — A datastore whosereadandreadallfunctions return a cell array or a table with at least two columns of bounding box and labels cell vectors. The bounding boxes must be in a cell array ofM-by-4 matrices in the format [x,y,width,height]. The datastore'sreadandreadallfunctions must return one of the formats:

    • {boxes,labels} — TheboxLabelDatastorecreates this type of datastore.

    • {images,boxes,labels} — A combined datastore. For example, usingcombine(imds,blds).


  • Table — One or more columns. All columns contain bounding boxes. Each column must be a cell vector that containsM-by-4 matrices that represent a single object class, such asstopSign,carRear, orcarFront. The columns contain 4-element double arrays ofMbounding boxes in the format [x,y,width,height]. The format specifies the upper-left corner location and size of the bounding box in the corresponding image.

Overlap threshold for a detection assigned to a ground truth box, specified as a numeric scalar. The overlap ratio is computed as the intersection over union.

Output Arguments

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Log-average miss rate metric, returned as either a numeric scalar or vector. For a multiclass detector, the log-average miss rate is returned as a vector of values that correspond to the data points for each class.

False positives per image, returned as either a vector of numeric scalars or as a cell array. For a multiclass detector, the FPPI and log miss rate are cell arrays, where each cell contains the data points for each object class.

Log miss rate, returned as either a vector of numeric scalars or as a cell array. For a multiclass detector, the FPPI and log miss rate are cell arrays, where each cell contains the data points for each object class.

Version History

Introduced in R2017a