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应用程序Testing Framework

Write automated tests for App Designer apps

You can use the MATLAB®app testing framework to test App Designer apps, or apps built programmatically using theuifigurefunction. The app testing framework lets you author a test class that programmatically performs a gesture on a UI component, such as pressing a button or dragging a slider, and verifies the behavior of the app.

To get started, seeOverview of App Testing Framework.


press Perform press gesture on UI component
choose Perform choose gesture on UI component
drag 对UI组件执行拖动手势
type Type in UI component
hover Perform hover gesture on UI component
chooseContextMenu Perform choose gesture on context menu item
dismissAlertDialog Close frontmost alert dialog box in figure window
matlab.uitest.unlock Unlock figure locked by app testing framework
matlab.uitest.TestCase.forInteractiveUse 创建一个TestCaseobject for interactive use


matlab.uitest.TestCase TestCaseto write tests with app testing framework


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