2 views (last 30 days)
Sai Lakshmi Chukkaluru
Sai Lakshmi Chukkaluru on 1 Apr 2020
Answered: Steve Miller on 6 Aug 2020
As I'm doing modelling of electric vehicle with fuelcell and battery i want to know how we can estimate fuel economy and is there a chance to implement ECMS to fuelcell and batery combination.
1 Comment
Jason Rodgers
Jason Rodgers on 21 Apr 2020
If you can calculate the MPkg, you can use the gasoline gallon equivalent value ( ). See for more info about where this number comes from. Since this is a hybrid, you will want to make sure the controller is charge sustaining to report fuel economy numbers.
It is possible to implement ECMS if Hamiltonian of the system can be determined. It should take a similar form similar to traditional ECMS: where is the battery power, is the fuel consumption, and is the equivalence factor. There may already be literature out there solving this problem, but I haven't seen it.

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Answers (1)

Steve Miller
Steve Miller on 6 Aug 2020
As Jason stated above...
If you can calculate the MPkg, you can use the gasoline gallon equivalent value ( ). See for more info about where this number comes from. Since this is a hybrid, you will want to make sure the controller is charge sustaining to report fuel economy numbers.
It is possible to implement ECMS if Hamiltonian of the system can be determined. It should take a similar form similar to traditional ECMS: where is the battery power, is the fuel consumption, and is the equivalence factor. There may already be literature out there solving this problem, but I haven't seen it.




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