MATLABCUDA 8.0 compatibility

伊万·法尔卡斯(Ivan Farkas)
Commented: 乔斯·奈特 on 18 Apr 2017
  • 什么时候MATLABCUDA 8.0兼容性发布了?
  • 什么时候哑光CUDA 8.0兼容性发布了?
  • 什么时候哑光1.0发布?
乔斯·奈特 on 18 Apr 2017
CUDA 8.0 is supported in MATLAB R2017a.

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Tien-Ju Yang
Tien-Ju Yang 2016年9月22日
I am also waiting for Matlab to support CUDA 8.0 for quite a long time because of the Pascal GPUs. Until now, Matlab still cannot give out any specific time of their CUDA 8 support. However, I have waited so long, so I have no choice but to migrate all my code from Matlab to Python and leave the Matlab community.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 23 Sep 2016
Mathworks seldom publicly comments on timelines (not many vendors do.) The official way to get a timeline is to talk to Mathworks Sales, who can offer information under Non-Disclosure Agreement.
In looking around over the last few days, I have reached the impression that the Pascal architecture is not backwards compatible for all operations -- that it is not just a matter of offering access that is slower than would be possible, but that some operations no long work. See for example //金宝appsupport/bugreports/search_results?utf8=%E2%9C%93&search_executed = 1&keyew = 1439741&release_filter = exists_filter = exists+In下载188bet金宝搏&release=0prodection = 0&seletection_productssereachserexchsereach=ssseexendsecrecepormit=ssseexencepormit=ssseexent =

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016年7月20日
编辑:Walter Roberson 2016年7月29日
有一天可能会支持CUDA 8,但金宝app截至几周前,该释放尚未决定。
Note: MATLAB seldom discusses future plans in public. If you want to know when a feature is coming, you need to talk to a Mathworks Sales representative under Non Disclosure Agreement.

乔斯·奈特 2016年7月29日
编辑:乔斯·奈特 2016年7月29日
CUDA 8.0尚未发布,因此您的问题确实是Nvidia的一个!过去的历史记录说,MATLAB版本将在发布时支持CUDA的下一个最终版本,尽管有例外(例如,MA金宝appTLAB R2016A使用CUDA 7.5构建)。
Also, it's worth being clear what you mean by 'compatibility'. It is possible to force MEXCUDA to build against a newer version of the CUDA toolkit than MATLAB was built for, although not necessarily advisable.

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 16 Mar 2017
Cuda 8.0 support was made official in R2017a.

CS 2016年9月13日
Hi Joss,
Following up on Ivan's question. I am using a board (GTX 1080) that requires CUDA 8. You wrote that "It is possible to force MEXCUDA to build against a newer version of the CUDA toolkit than MATLAB was built for, although not necessarily advisable." Since it will not be possible to build against 7.5 which is supported by my version of MATLAB (R2016a) could you provide instructions on how to build against CUDA8?
1 Comment
乔斯·奈特 on 18 Apr 2017
您的假设不正确。如果使用R2016A,请继续使用CUDA 7.5。

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门迪·巴雷尔(Mendi Barel)
编辑:门迪·巴雷尔(Mendi Barel) 2017年2月28日
这就是如何编译 ( Mexcuda ) with Visual Studio 2015 and Cuda 8.0 :
  1. 转到:“ \ toolbox \ distcomp \ gpu \ extern \ src \ mex \ win64”
  2. Copy files and rename 2013 to 2015: { "nvcc_msvcpp2013.xml" , "nvcc_msvcpp2013_dynamic.xml"}
  3. 将这些文件“ 7.5”替换为“ 8.0”和“ 12”到“ 14”。
  4. 完毕。



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