MATLAB and Simulink Based Books

计算Statistics Handbook with MATLAB, 3e

计算Statistics Handbook with MATLABcovers commonly used techniques in computational statistics while maintaining the same philosophy and writing style of the bestselling previous editions. The text keeps theoretical concepts to a minimum, emphasizing the implementation of the methods.

This third edition is updated with the latest version of MATLAB and the corresponding version ofStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox. It also incorporates new sections on the nearest neighbor classifier, support vector machines, model checking and regularization, partial least squares regression, and multivariate adaptive regression splines.

The text includes algorithmic descriptions of the procedures as well as examples that illustrate the use of algorithms in data analysis.

About This Book

Wendy L. Martinez,US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Angel R. Martinez,Strayer University

Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2016

ISBN: 978-1-4665-9273-5
Language: English

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