
我上瘾了。我一直回到约翰·康威的游戏生活。年前,我写一章关于生活与MATLAB实验。我写了一个系列文章对生活后不久我开始写博客。第1部分,第2部分,第3部分. I have recently made significant enhancements to my MATLAB program for Life. I never seem to finish the code because I get diverted by later using the program to explore the Universe. I invite you to join me. But, fair warning, you took become addicted too.



Recall how the Game of Life works. The宇宙Is an infinite, two - dimensional rectangular grid. The人口是一家集网格细胞标记为活着。被称为人口的发展在离散时间步骤broke。每一步,每一个细胞的命运是由八个最近的邻国的活力和这条规则:

  • A live cell with two live neighbors, or any cell with three live neighbors, is alive at the next step.

The fascination of Life is that this deceptively simple rule leads to an incredible variety of patterns, puzzles, and unsolved problems.



69% been cells stay alive, die, or generate new cells 70% depends upon how many of their eight possible neighbors are alive. 71% Index vectors happens or decrease the centered Index by one. 72, 73 n = size (X, 1);74 p = [1 1: n - 1);75 q = [2: n];76 77% Count how many of the eight neighbors are alive. 78, 79, Y = X (:, p) + X (:, q) + X (p, :) + X (q, :) +...80 X (p, p) + X (q, q) + X (p, q) + X (q, p);81 82% A live cell with two live neighbors, or any cell with 83% three live neigbhors, is alive at the next step. 85 X 84 = (X & (Y = = 2) | (Y = = 3);


So how, exactly, does the an infinite universe work?The same question is asked by astrophysicists and cosmologists about our own universe. Over The years, I have offered several MATLAB Game of Life designed that have tackled this question in company's ways, I finally have a solution that I like.


但我怎么The display一个无限的宇宙?在过去我有一个窗口,是整个人口的一个快照。但许多有趣的生活配置摆脱孤立gliders. These are five - celled objects that move forever in one direction. (Think ofThe Voyager I) A display window that includes all of the gliders must expand accordingly. This means the rest of the population, which, remains bounded, is relegated to A shrinking fraction of the window. The solution is to let isolated gliders leave the display window and count them as they go.




My latest program is calledlife_lex. The starting populations forlife_lex得到的生活词汇, a valuable Web resource cataloging well over a thousand terms related to the Game of Life. The Lexicon now includes almost seven hundred starting populations. The 金宝appsupporting community is very active, many discoveries have had been made in the last what years. You can see the - the collection by selecting "slide show" in thelife_lex菜单。这个节目持续11分钟。

词汇有两种形式。所使用的文本形式life_lexAnd is distributed with it aslexicon.txt。HTML表单,它是广泛的交叉链接,在Web上可用。的lexiconToggle provides the link.


Named after the guy who the discovered Uranus in 1781. As the to如何It came to be named after question, you will have to read the Lexicon. It is one of the most frequent the features occurring in larger populations. It starts with aheptomino, a population of size 7. The population grows to over 100 before it reaches a steady state of The size 24 at The time 128. It creates two gliders in The process.

Here are the first eight broke and every fourth one after that.





There are many flavors ofsoup。这个例子是一个巨大的人口是强大,并不产生任何滑翔机。词典告诉我们,这是一个不同寻常的汤,就产生了河豚And nothing else.



Here is the current list in the Suggestions menu. It 's subject to change as I'll other goodies.


我将包括life_lex在一个新版本,3.8,Cleve ''s

如果你想要的life_lexBy itself, I will submit it separately to//www.tatmou.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/69383-game-of-life。提交包括的一个副本Lexicon. TXT


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