
ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

Soldering Iron Connected to ThingSpeak with #NodeMCU and #ESP8266 Wi-Fi

[Vegard Paulsen]创造了一根焊锡铁,报告其使用和温度ThingSpeak并在留下时提醒他。他使用Nodemcu / esp8266 Wi-Fi模块收集数据并将其发布到他的意见频道。一旦数据位于oriteSpeak上,他就可以使用ThingSpeak React应用程序向他的手机发送推送通知。

Soldering Iron IoT ThingSpeak

hackaday.com.wrote an article about Vegard’s soldering iron connected to the Internet of Things. Here’s what they had to say:


That looks a lot like our desks… wires, microcontrollers, pliers, cutters, Wi-Fi modules, and soldering irons. And now, the soldering iron is on the Internet of Things.

[viaVegard Paulsen/hackaday.com.]



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