Loren on the Art of MATLAB



Loren on the Art of MATLABhas been retired and will not be updated.


发布R2007Bis now available. Here's什么是新的in MATLAB. I plan to highlight some of these features, and perhaps some from related products, in upcoming posts. In addition, there is a significant release of Image Processing Toolbox in R2007b that you might want to check out. I'm sure Steve will be highlighting some of the features onhis blog今年晚些时候。


Development Environment


  • code folding in the editor - collapses some portions of the file when I don't need to see everything
  • M-file run configurations - allows me to set up customized sets of parameters for running a function so I can easily iterate on a problem
  • 快速访问命令行和编辑器的帮助


Here's a feature that allows me to write more robust code, including managing errors and exceptions correctly.

  • MException


Of course there's some new math!

  • sparse support for more matrix functions
  • QUADGK-无限限制的集成

Lots More

还有其他MATLAB featuresin more areas than I typically cover in this blog. Check out the new release. Thenpost hereand let me know which features you find most interesting and useful.

Published with MATLAB® 7.5

  • print
  • send email