File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Changing figure settings

吉罗's Pick this week isSetFigPaperbyjmrplens.

Many of you may knowexport_figbyYair(最初由奥利弗·伍德福德(Oliver Woodford)创建),这为您提供了许多出口数字的选择。Jmrplens的setfigpaperreminded me of this. It's much simpler in the things it does, but it's elegantly simple, with options that are typically needed for formating your figure.

Here is a sample figure from the example code that is included with this entry.

Then you callsetfigpaper具有适当的参数。


What's impressive is that he has tested this with over 70 different plot types (see the help for this function), includingparallelplotwhich was introduced in R2019a.


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New Reputation Points and Short-Term Leaderboard

Oh, and one more thing. We have introduced a new type of recognition called"reputation points", which you can earn based on some activities, such as receiving a 4 or 5-star rating. But what's exciting is that if your entry gets Picked as a Pick of the week, you get 50 points!

Another new feature is theShort-Term Leaderboard. Before, you only saw the all-time leaderboard, and for those of you who started contributing later in the game had a difficult time getting on the top leaderboard. But we believe people should be recognized just as much for the recent contributions as for the legacy contributions from many years ago. With the current leaderboard, you can view the rankings by week, month, year, or all-time.

Read about it这里.


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